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8月18日,全球区块链精英峰会在韩国首尔隆重举行。维基链CEO高航受邀出席盛典,与来自世界各地的区块链行业专家、技术精英、企业负责人以及韩国政府代表等共话区块链未来。会上, 维基链与全球峰会主办方FansTime签署了战略合作协议 ,内容涉及产品、技术与社区等方面的多维度深入合作。


伴随雅加达亚运会的开幕,第五届维基争霸赛亦同步启动。本届活动玩法更为精彩刺激,包括 《维基吃鸡大赛》、《竞猜连红挑战》 等,而且《幸运抽奖》奖池亦作了升级调整,奖品更加丰厚,大家可登陆维基链DApp钱包参与。


维基链一直保持着每周上线数家交易所的步伐,而在过去一周,维基链先后上线了IDAX交易所(、币昇交易平台(、路印协议交易平台(、IBAT数字资产交易平台(、CPOOT数字资产交易平台(、澳新数字资产交易平台(。 截至上周,维基链已经上线105家交易所。



  • 完成了维基链钱包新版本的上线工作,主要功能包括:
  • 1. 新增全新维基吃鸡玩法;
  • 2. 新增竞猜13连红挑战赛活动;
  • 3. 软件历史BUG修复和部分产品体验优化。
  • 维基链DApp钱包v2.5版本
  • 1. 完成了维基钱包账户体系的UE设计工作;
  • 2. 完成了维基钱包v2.5版本需求的整体梳理、数据及异常逻辑补充工作。
  • DApp2.5竞猜投注页面风格调整:
  • 1.首页视觉修改(多风格);
  • 2.首页切换(简化版);
  • 3.赛事详情展开页面设计;
  • 4.竞猜投注更多赔率页面设计;
  • 5.竞猜投注输入WKD/下注弹窗设计;
  • 6.投注成功动效弹窗设计;
  • 7.下注页面视觉设计;
  • 8.DAPP首页功能修改;
  • 9.公告中心页面设计。
  • 本周产品规划

  • 维基链钱DApp包v2.5版本
  • 1. 完成区块浏览器竞猜固陪模块部分数据结构梳理及需求规划;
  • 2. 继续细化和补充维基钱包v2.5版本模块需求。
  • 维基链节点投票相关
  • 1. 完成维基链节点投票相关流程及具体工作内容梳理规划功能;
  • 2. 完成区块浏览器节点投票部分数据结构梳理及需求规划。
  • 维基链钱包H5小游戏
  • 1. 确定并梳理维基钱包第一批H5小游戏具体游戏玩法;
  • 2. 规划维基钱包产品机构和布局优化。
  • 技术周报


  • 本周新增加了维基DAPPv2.0的新活动“维基吃鸡”开发任务,团队抽出资源快速分析了需求并完成开发测试和发布上线。
  • 完成约70%的竞猜项目数据库模块设计,同时完成约50%的竞猜智能合约的数据结构设计。
  • 采用全新技术架构和数据库设计的维基链官网开发和测试已经完成。
  • 完成约30%的冷钱包开发工作。
  • 本周技术规划

  • 为了进一步提升研发效率,本周完成后台代码部分模块的自动化生成模块开发, 并使用生成竞猜项目的代码。
  • 完成30%区块链XX项目的数据库模型设计以及合约数据结构设计,并完成项目群的初步框架搭建。
  • 完成新官网的部署上线,同时下线老的官网系统。
  • 本周开始以下竞猜模块开发:注册登录绑定、赛事结果同步、扫链服务、钱包转账。
  • 维基链WICC|项目进展周报(08.13~08.18)

    Weekly News

    WaykiChain Has Achieved Long-Term Strategic Cooperation With FansTime

    On August 18th, Global Blockchain Elite Forum was held in Seoul, South Korea. WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao was invited to attend the ceremony to discuss blockchain future with industry experts, technical elites, entrepreneurs and Korean government representatives. During the forum, WaykiChain signed a strategic agreement with FansTime, organizer of the forum, to achieve in-depth cooperation in product, technology, community, etc.

    WaykiChain Championship V Has Officially Started

    Along with the opening of Asian Games in Jakarta, WaykiChain Championship V has also started on fire. The activities are more exciting, including “Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds WaykiChain version”, “Winning Steak Competition", etc. The prize pool of "Lucky Draw" has also been upgraded with more precious gifts. Users can participate in WaykiChain Championship V in WaykiChain Wallet DApp.

    WaykiChain(WICC) Newly Listed on 6 Exchanges

    WaykiChain has been keeping its pace to list on exchanges every week. Last week, WaykiChain(WICC) has listed on IDAX Exchange(,

    BSH Exchange(,

    Loopring Protocal Exchange(,

    IBAT Exchange(,

    CPOOT Exchange(,

    ALLTO Exhange( By the end of last week, WaykiChain(WICC) has listed on 105 exchanges.

    Weekly Product Report

    Work summary of last week

  • Released updated version of WaykiChain Wallet DApp, including below new functions:
  • ①“Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds” WaykiChain version;
  • ②“13 Winning Streak Competition” for guessing games;
  • ③Fixed history bugs and optimized part of product experience.
  • For WaykiChain Wallet DApp version 2.5:
  • ①Completed the UE design for account system;
  • ②Completed the overall sorting and supplementary work of data and exception-processing logic.
  • For UI design work of DApp version 2.5, adjusted page style of guessing, including:
  • ①Visual modification on guessing homepage (multi-style)
  • ②Guessing homepage switch (simplified version)
  • ③Expanded page design of event details
  • ④Page design of more odds options
  • ⑤Pop-up window design of inputting WKD
  • ⑥Dynamic pop-up window design of guessing stake
  • ⑦Visual design of guessing page
  • ⑧Function modification on DApp homepage
  • ⑨Page design of Announcement Center
  • Work plan for this week

  • For WaykiChain Wallet version 2.5:
  • ①To complete part of the data structure sorting and demand planning of blockchain explorer fixed odds module;
  • ②To continue to refine and complement the demands of modules.
  • WaykiChain nodes voting related:
  • ①To complete the related process and specific work sorting and planning of nodes voting;
  • ②To complete part of the data structure sorting and demand planning of blockchain explorer nodes voting part.
  • WaykiChain H5 mini-games:
  • ①To finalize and sort out the specific gameplay of the first batch of H5 mini-games in WaykiChain Wallet;
  • ②To plan product organization and layout optimization of WaykiChain Wallet.
  • Weekly Technology Report

    Work summary of last week

  • Assigned new task to develop the activity “Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds” WaykiChain version in WaykiChain DApp V2.0. The team took out resources to fast analyze the requirements and completed the development, testing and launched the activity;
  • For the guessing project, completed about 70% of database module design, and 50% of data structure design of smart contract;
  • Completed the development and testing of WaykiChain official website with new technical architecture and database;
  • Complete about 30% of the development of cold wallet.
  • Work plan for this week

  • To complete the development of automatic generation for part of the modules in back end, in order to further improve the development efficiency, which is to be used to generate the code for guessing project;
  • To complete 30% of the database model design and contract data structure design of the blockchain lottery project, and complete the preliminary framework construction of the project group;
  • To complete the deployment of new official website and decommission the old official website system;
  • Start the development of the following guessing modules : registration&login binding, event result synchronization, scan chain service, wallet transfer.
  • 免責事項:この記事の著作権は元の作者に帰属し、MyTokenを表すものではありません(ご意見・ご感想・内容、著作権等ご不明な点がございましたらお問い合わせください。