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《经济学人》(英语:The Economist)是一份英国的英文新闻周报,它在1843年9月由詹姆斯·威尔逊创办。是一本涉及全球政治、经济、文化、科技等多方面事务的综合性新闻评论刊物,着重于对这些议题提供深入的分析和评论。它面向教育程度较高的人群,读者中包括诸多具有影响力的高管和决策者。本文选自经济学人2018年8月2日的文章。


CLINICAL trials are a murky old world. The pharmaceutical industry is keen to get new drugs to market and researchers are just as keen to report positive results. This can produce some rather unpleasant side-effects. Selective reporting of data from trials is rife. In one infamous example, a 2001 study reported that paroxetine, an antidepressant, was safe and effective for treating the illness in teenagers. It later emerged, however, that this was based on new measures of the drug’s effectiveness, introduced only after the drug had failed to show any significant improvement in the outcomes that had been specified when the trial was first drawn up. Later studies showed that the drug increased the risk of suicidal behaviour in children.



How to guard against such things got Greg Irving, a family doctor and a researcher at the University of Cambridge, thinking. He came up with a way to improve the reporting of clinical trials with the blockchain technology underlying bitcoin, a digital currency. The blockchain is a database that acts as a public ledger of all transactions with the currency, and is thought to be almost completely tamper-proof because it is validated and stored independently on thousands of different computers worldwide. This provides a way, Dr Irving reckons, to check that results have not been fudged.

一位家庭医生和剑桥大学的研究人员Greg Irving,对于如何防止类似事件的发生进行了思考。他得出的结论是,可以通过比特币背后的区块链技术对于临床试验的结果进行保护。区块链技术是一种记录某种货币所有交易记录的公共数据库,并且因为其交易数据是由世界各地的几千台独立节点来验证并储存,从而被认为是几乎完全防伪的。Irving博士据此认为,这可以提供一种检查试验结果是否被篡改的手段。

Since 2007 America’s drugs regulator has required that all clinical trials are registered in, a publicly accessible database. So, Dr Irving used a recent example to demonstrate how his idea might work. He saved a copy of the study protocol, including the planned analysis and clinical outcomes it was supposed to test, to a text file. He then fed that file into an algorithm called an SHA256, which boils the data down into a unique string of characters known in cryptography as a “hash”. Even a small change to the original file, such as the addition of a full stop, would result in a completely different hash. (Conversely, it is impossible to use the code to reconstruct the contents of the original file.) Such strings are also used in bitcoin transactions.



To add a record of the codified protocol to bitcoin’s public ledger, its hash must be used in a bitcoin transaction. To do that Dr Irving used the hash generated from the trial protocol as a “private key”—essentially a password that allows someone to spend bitcoins in his online wallet. Bitcoin users usually randomly generate a hash for the same purpose. He then transferred a small sum of money from his bitcoin wallet to a second bitcoin wallet. The transaction created a “public key”—a second string of characters that is time-stamped and entered in the blockchain’s ledger.


Anyone with a copy of the trial protocol should be able to reproduce the above steps to check if they resulted in the same public key. This would prove that the copy of the protocol matched the original. To show that this was the case, Dr Irving gave his protocol to John Holden, also a general practitioner, who used it successfully, the pair report in F1000Research. Though the process might seem to be convoluted, Dr Irving and Dr Holden say it took less than five minutes.

所有拥有这个试验步骤文件的人都可以通过重复上述动作来检验他们是否得到同一个公钥数值,而这能判定两个文件是否相符(如果有改动的话就无法得到相同的公钥数值——译者注)。为了实地检验他的想法,Irving博士把试验步骤文件给了另外一位医生,John Holden,而后者成功重复了上述内容并得到了正面的结果。虽然这个过程说起来难,两位博士在五分钟之内就搞定了所有手续。


Dr Irving believes the method could prevent “hidden outcome switching”, the egregious and statistically flawed practice of secretly changing the focus of a clinical trial to fit the results. A study last year of 137 trials found 60 reported on outcomes they were not looking for, according to their original protocol. The COMPare project, which monitors clinical trials, found only nine out of 67 studies it has so far looked at had reported their results properly.

Irving博士相信这种方法可以防止发生“选择隐藏结果”,即改变偷偷改变临床试验步骤来迎合结果这一十分恶劣,并且有统计缺陷的行径。在去年,一项研究显示,在其跟踪的137项试验中,有60项试验报告了与其最初试验设想不符的结果。监测临床试验的项目COMPare project发现,在其目前为止监测的67项研究中,只有9项研究正确报告了试验结果。

With about 20,000 studies registered each year on alone, such problems are likely to be the tip of a very large iceberg, Dr Irving contends. Public keys for protocols should be uploaded to trial registries, he argues, and included in research papers. Researchers and medical journals could speedily check whether the right results were being reported. Ultimately, the process could be automated.


Another benefit, paradoxically, is that the protocol for studies could be hidden until completed. This might be useful for commercially sensitive trials of new therapies. As long as the public key was uploaded to a registry when the trial began, the protocol could be verified later without the worry that it had been changed during the study. Dr Irving would now like to test his ideas on a small number of trials. And, of course, to report the results properly.


币橙海外 聚焦于筛选与翻译海外区块链行业的新闻报道、评论、评测报告等有价值信息,帮助大家以国际化的视野了解区块链项目,成为币圈“老韭菜”。


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