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比特币基金会Peter Vessenes:EOS、Etherium等区块链社区放弃了乌托邦梦想


比特币基金会联合创始人Peter Vessenes

Peter Vessenes here. I wanted to talk about things that own themselves. It was on my list from a couple times ago that we haven't talked about. So this is a super interesting idea that only people with some blockchain experience seem to understand.  We are used to humans owning things and governments owning things, which are controlled by people. A thing that owns itself sounds like a tautological concept. What does that mean?

我是Peter Vessenes ,我想谈谈那些自我拥有的事物。


There have been some interesting court cases in the US that I think relate to this idea societally. There was this one test case about a lake and whether or not inhabitants on the lake could bring a lawsuit on behalf of the lake because the lake was being polluted.


This is a pretty interesting idea. Partly an end-run around of how the US legal system works. From my understanding of it, from these homeowners’ perspective, their lakefront is not that great anymore - fish are dying and it's kind of gross. None of them have enough harm on their own to have standing against a factory across the lake really, so what this community group did was band together and I think formed a nonprofit that purports to represent the lake. That nonprofit sued polluters on behalf of the lake. There was a set of legal appeals by the polluters which they eventually lost. So in this part of the US, I believe it was the midwest, it’s ok to say something to the effect of “I represent the tree.”


That’s pretty interesting actually and I would expect it will have an impact on legal discourse in America: what things can you represent and under what circumstances? With smart contracts and blockchain, you can go one more level right away. It’s perfectly possible right now for a car or drone or a forest to trigger a message out to something that takes care of it or moves it around or something like that. No one’s really spent very much time on the this now; it's like a thing futurists say in talks but it's not a thing entrepreneurs or innovators seem to be working on that I know of.  I think that's probably because they just need better, or more interesting use cases. I think there’s a little bit of a utopian dream has bled out of the side of the blockchain community that’s focused on these rich interactions and programmability, so EOS, Etherium, that group.

这些案例很有趣,我希望它能对美国的法律产生影响:你能在什么情况下代表什么?有了智能合约和区块链,这个概念可以进一步拓展。现在,汽车、无人机或森林完全有可能触发一条信息,发送给某个负责处理或移动它的东西。现在没有人关注这件事;未来学家可能会谈论,但据我所知,还没有企业家或创新者研究这件事。我认为他们只是需要更好的,或者更有趣的应用。我认为那些专注于丰富交互性与可编程性的区块链社区放弃了一点乌托邦的梦想,比如EOS, Etherium。

I’ve been thinking about the DAO recently and there’s a very exciting book being put together by Bloomberg reporter, Matthew Leising, about the DAO - the DAO hack and how it went and all of that. I think that will be fun for people to read and I’m excited to read it.

最近我一直在思考DAO,彭博社的记者Matthew leise正在整理一本关于DAO的书,非常精彩——讲述了DAO的黑客攻击如何进行等等。我认为这本书很有趣,我很兴奋。

As we were talking about the book, I was just reminded about that era. The DAO was this ambitious idea, where this thing is going to get together and kind of own and control itself and determine all the interactions that outside people and money can have with it. The DAO was hacked and it was a lot of drama and I think, in response, the community decided they had to work on simpler use cases first.  I think they also gave up some of their utopian dreams for new ways of interacting - economically, practically, all that. I think that’s too bad. I’d like to see people get back to that and be inspired by projects like that again.


One area that could happen is on objects that own themselves, so I'll talk about that more another time.


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