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Unitimes 精选 | 美国Visa转投闪电支付;普华永道推出区块链认证平台

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美国大型零售商放弃 Visa 信用卡――正在考虑比特币的闪电网络

周五 Kroger 宣布不再使用 Visa 信用卡并指出原因是信用卡费用过高。Smith’s  连锁店在七个州内有 134 家食品与药品商店,拥有员工 20000 名。 Smith’s 的 Visa 信用卡费用比其它任何信用卡品牌费用都高,Kroger 首席财务官 Mike Schlotman 解释道:“ Visa 长期仗着自己在行业内的地位,向零售商收取过高的费用。”因此 Anthony Pompliano 在推特上想全国零售商发出了与比特币闪电网络合作的邀请。如果零售商使用闪电网络支付的解决方案成功实施,这个方案就能在 Kroger 的众多品牌中进一步推广。


It all started on Friday when Kroger announced the move to no longer accept Visa credit cards, citing excessive fees. The Smith’s chain comprises 134 food and drug stores across 7 states, employing 20,000 staff.  Card fees charged by Visa are higher at Smith’s than any other credit card brand, explained Kroger CFO, Mike Schlotman:“ Visa has been misusing its position and charging retailers excessive fees for a long time.”So Anthony Pompliano tweeted an offer to hook them up with Bitcoin’s Lightning Network nationwide.  Successful implementation of a Lightning Network payment solution at the retailer could lead to a wider roll-out across Kroger brands.



普华永道(PwC)是四大审计公司之一,最近宣布正在试行一个新的基于区块链的平台,以确认员工资质的可信度。 2 月 13 日,普华永道公布了“智能凭证”平台,该平台使用区块链发布、存储和安全地共享员工专业资格相关的数字证书。许多公司每年花费大量时间和金钱来联系大学和机构对员工简历中列出的资格身份进行核验。对于他们来说,这个新的区块链平台既降低了风险又降低了成本。为了与 ICAS 合作对此平台进行试验,在过去两年内成功完成了特许会计课程的PwC员工被授予上传于区块链上的数字证书。这些证书也将储存于这些完成特许会计师课程的员工个人数字钱包中。

Big Four Auditor PwC Launches Solution for Blockchain Credentialing

PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), one of the Big Four audit firms, has announced that it is piloting a new blockchain-based platform for confirming the trustworthiness of employee credentials. On February 13, PwC unveiled “Smart Credentials” platform that uses blockchain to issue, store and safely share digital certificates related to professional qualifications of employees. Many organisations spend significant amounts of time and money every year contacting universities and institutions to double check qualifications listed on CVs so for them, this new blockchain platform offers both reduced risk and costs. In order to conduct the trial in partnership with ICAS, PwC employees, who have successfully completed their chartered accountancy course in the last two years, are being given digital certificates uploaded on the blockchain. The certificates will also become part of the unique digital wallet offered to those who have completed the chartered accountant course.


比特币 SV 团队修复多个比特币区块链漏洞

比特币 SV 节点处理小组是 Craig Wright  nChain 公司的一个部门,一直致力于研究比特币SV (BSV)。在与 Trail of Bits 合作期间, BSV 团队在 BSV 中发现了三个中等漏洞。他们认为这些漏铜是从比特币核心(BTC)和比特币现金(BCHABC)中产生的,该团队已立即着手解决这些问题。比特币 SV 和比特币协会在最近一份新闻稿中表示,比特币 SV 节点 2019 年 2 月 11 日发布的 0.1.1 版本修复了这三个在代码中发现漏洞。如果不加以控制,这三个漏洞将被恶意行为者利用,他们将通过使用无效数据包来干扰网络和节点处理器,从而导致系统过载。不过,这并不会给企业和个人用户带来伤害,也不会导致他们资金或交易的丢失。尽管由于扩展性差的原因,缓慢且有漏洞的网络可能不会对 BTC 造成太大的伤害,但忽略这个敏感问题还是可能会对比特币的采用造成影响。

Bitcoin SV Team Rectifies Vulnerabilities for Multiple Bitcoin Blockchains 

The bitcoin SV Node Implementation Team, a branch of Craig Wright’s nChain, have remained steady in their unwavering commitment to Bitcoin SV (BSV). During their cooperation with Trail of Bits, the BSV team discovered three medium severity vulnerabilities in BSV. They believed it was inherited from Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCHABC) and the team has immediately sought to address them. The Bitcoin SV and the Bitcoin Association stated in a recent press release that the February 11, 2019 version 0.1.1 release of Bitcoin SV Node had fixed the three vulnerabilities found in the code. If left unchecked, the three weaknesses would allow malicious actors to overload the system with traffic by jamming the network and node processors with useless packets. The possible damage, however, would not harm businesses or users and would not result in them losing any funds or transactions. Having a slow and crippled network might not do much harm for BTC due to its inability to scale, neglecting this sensitive issue could still affect the adoption.



据彭博社 3 月 3 日报道,加密货币行业的公司仍然难以开设银行账户。报道援引加密货币贸易公司 Alameda Research 的 CEO  Sam Bankman-Fried 的话称,“‘去你们当地的 Chase 分行’这种标准答案对加密货币领域的公司来说是无法解决问题的。” Bankman-Fried 还补充说,银行为加密货币业务提供服务并不违法,但“这是一个巨大的合规难题,银行不愿投入精力来解决这个问题。”彭博社还指出,虽然大银行避免为涉及加密货币的公司提供服务,但小银行正试图填补市场的这一不足。

Bloomberg: Crypto Companies Still Run Into Trouble Opening Bank Accounts

Companies in the cryptocurrency industry still have trouble opening bank accounts, major financial publication Bloomberg reported on March 3. The report cites the complaint of Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of crypto trading company Alameda Research, that “the standard answer of ‘just go to your local Chase branch’ doesn’t work in crypto.” Bankman-Fried also added that it is not illegal for banks to serve crypto businesses, but “it’s a massive compliance headache that they don’t want to put the resources in to solve.’’ Bloomberg also points out that, while the larger banks avoid serving companies involved in crypto, smaller ones are trying to get hold of this underserved subset of the market. 


CoinBase 总裁:我们收购 Neutrino 是由于供应商当时正在出售用户数据 

由于供应商当时正在出售用户信息给第三方,美国交易所 CoinBase 作为少数几家躲过黑客攻击的交易所之一,收购了区块链智能公司 Neutrino。CoinBase 营销负责人 Christine Sandler 说, Neutrino 人才济济,他们的专业技术能够安全保管数据从而保护到客户。在最近几周,CoinBase 因收购了这家备有争议还太靠谱的智能公司而受到抨击, 因为这家公司的负责人曾是臭名昭著的米兰黑客小队的成员。

CoinBase Executive: We Have Neutrino Because Providers Were Selling Client Data

It is emerging that CoinBase, the US Exchange that is one of the few exchanges to wade off hacks, acquired Neutrino–a Blockchain intelligence company, because providers were selling customer information to third parties. Neutrino, Christine Sandler, the CoinBase Head of Marketing says, has the best talents and their expertise would be used to keep “data safe and protect clients. ”In recent weeks, CoinBase came under fire for their acquisition of the controversial–yet reliable intelligence company— whose heads were former members of the notorious Milan based Hacking Team. 



Stefan George

Gnosis 技术总监

没有足够的 ETH 或 ERC20 代币来生成足以满足未来稳定币需求的DAI。在上一次美国大选中,仅一家 Betfair 预测市场的交易额就达2亿美元。以太坊上要有更多的重要证券才能做到。

There is not enough ETH or ERC20 tokens to generate enough DAI to cover the future demand for a stable token. 200m GBP were traded alone in ONE betfair prediction market about the last US election. We need more significant securities on Ethereum to make this work.


Joseph Young




There's no such thing as free money. Enforcing an unrealistically high minimum wage will have an opposite effect.

Businesses won't be able to afford expenses. What happens next? businesses let go of employees and look for more ways to cut down the costs.


Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人




The mainstream didn’t come to the internet because they cared anything about its ideology

They came because it offered better products that they couldn’t get anywhere else

Why should we expect crypto to be any different?


Anthony Lusardi




Bitcoin: Go to bed, wake up, might be worth more, might be worth less.

USD: Go to bed, wake up, will be worth less.


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