DeFi 开发者:如何调用NEST预言机价格数据
NEST 预言机-获取链上价格
NEST 预言机采用双边报价机制生成链上价格,质押双边资产来保证价格的准确性;完全去中心化的链上价格生成机制。
NEST Protocol:
NEST 预言机以区块为单位生成价格,如果区块内没有价格,则使用最近的区块价格。
- 每笔报价有 25 区块的验证时间(吃单),如果验证时间内没有被吃单则代表市场认可这笔报价,将会在报价区块后的 25 个区块价格生效。
NEST预言机价格合约 sol 文件
function addPrice(uint256 ethAmount, uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 endBlock, address tokenAddress, address offerOwner) public onlyOfferMain{
// Add effective block price information
TokenInfo storage tokenInfo = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress];
PriceInfo storage priceInfo = tokenInfo.priceInfoList[endBlock];
priceInfo.ethAmount = priceInfo.ethAmount.add(ethAmount);
priceInfo.erc20Amount = priceInfo.erc20Amount.add(tokenAmount);
if (endBlock != tokenInfo.latestOffer) {
// If different block offer
priceInfo.frontBlock = tokenInfo.latestOffer;
tokenInfo.latestOffer = endBlock;
输入参数描述ethAmount报价 ETH 数量tokenAmount报价 ERC20 Token 数量endBlock价格生效区块号tokenAddress报价的 ERC20 Token 合约地址offerOwner报价者钱包地址
PriceInfo storage priceInfo = tokenInfo.priceInfoList[endBlock];
priceInfo.ethAmount = priceInfo.ethAmount.add(ethAmount);
priceInfo.erc20Amount = priceInfo.erc20Amount.add(tokenAmount);
function changePrice(uint256 ethAmount, uint256 tokenAmount, address tokenAddress, uint256 endBlock) public onlyOfferMain {
TokenInfo storage tokenInfo = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress];
PriceInfo storage priceInfo = tokenInfo.priceInfoList[endBlock];
priceInfo.ethAmount = priceInfo.ethAmount.sub(ethAmount);
priceInfo.erc20Amount = priceInfo.erc20Amount.sub(tokenAmount);
输入参数描述ethAmount吃单 ETH 数量tokenAmount吃单 ERC20 数量tokenAddress报价 ERC20 地址endBlock价格生效区块号
function updateAndCheckPriceNow(address tokenAddress) public payable returns(uint256 ethAmount, uint256 erc20Amount, uint256 blockNum) {
mapping(uint256 => PriceInfo) storage priceInfoList = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress].priceInfoList;
uint256 checkBlock = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress].latestOffer;
while(checkBlock > 0 && (checkBlock >= block.number || priceInfoList[checkBlock].ethAmount == 0)) {
checkBlock = priceInfoList[checkBlock].frontBlock;
require(checkBlock != 0);
PriceInfo memory priceInfo = priceInfoList[checkBlock];
address nToken = _tokenMapping.checkTokenMapping(tokenAddress);
if (nToken == address(0x0)) {
} else {
if (msg.value > _priceCost) {
repayEth(address(msg.sender), msg.value.sub(_priceCost));
emit NowTokenPrice(tokenAddress,priceInfo.ethAmount, priceInfo.erc20Amount);
return (priceInfo.ethAmount,priceInfo.erc20Amount, checkBlock);
输入参数描述tokenAddressERC20 Token 合约地址输出参数描述ethAmountETH 数量erc20AmountERC20 Token 数量blockNum生效价格区块
检查是否有权限使用 NEST 价格。
mapping(uint256 => PriceInfo) storage priceInfoList = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress].priceInfoList;
获取对应 Token 的价格数据源。
uint256 checkBlock = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress].latestOffer;
while(checkBlock > 0 && (checkBlock >= block.number || priceInfoList[checkBlock].ethAmount == 0)) {
checkBlock = priceInfoList[checkBlock].frontBlock;
解释一下 while 循环的判断,需要从最新的报价区块开始往后倒推找到当前已经生效并且没有被吃单的价格数据所在的区块号(checkBlock)。
require(checkBlock != 0);
这个判断个人猜测是为了防止有些 token 刚开始报价,还没有有效价格生成,又因为调用价格是要付费的。所以加了限制,如果没找到生效价格的区块号,交易直接失败。
PriceInfo memory priceInfo = priceInfoList[checkBlock];
address nToken = _tokenMapping.checkTokenMapping(tokenAddress);
if (nToken == address(0x0)) {
} else {
if (msg.value > _priceCost) {
repayEth(address(msg.sender), msg.value.sub(_priceCost));
// Check real-time price - user account only
function checkPriceNow(address tokenAddress) public view returns (uint256 ethAmount, uint256 erc20Amount, uint256 blockNum) {
require(address(msg.sender) == address(tx.origin), "It can't be a contract");
mapping(uint256 => PriceInfo) storage priceInfoList = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress].priceInfoList;
uint256 checkBlock = _tokenInfo[tokenAddress].latestOffer;
while(checkBlock > 0 && (checkBlock >= block.number || priceInfoList[checkBlock].ethAmount == 0)) {
checkBlock = priceInfoList[checkBlock].frontBlock;
if (checkBlock == 0) {
return (0,0,0);
PriceInfo storage priceInfo = priceInfoList[checkBlock];
return (priceInfo.ethAmount,priceInfo.erc20Amount, checkBlock);
function activation() public {
_nestToken.safeTransferFrom(address(msg.sender), _destructionAddress, destructionAmount);
_addressEffect[address(msg.sender)] = now.add(effectTime);
使用 NEST 预言机需要质押一定数量的 NEST 和等待一天。这个操作应该是为了防止”合约盗取价格“。如果没有这个限制可以写个代理合约,获取价格,只需要支付一次费用,其他的调用者可以一起使用价格。
* @dev Get a single price
* @param token Token address of the price
function getSinglePrice(address token) public payable {
// In consideration of future upgrades, the possibility of upgrading the price contract is not ruled out, and the voting contract must be used to query the price contract address.
Nest_3_OfferPrice _offerPrice = Nest_3_OfferPrice(address(_voteFactory.checkAddress("nest.v3.offerPrice")));
// Request the latest price, return the eth quantity, token quantity, and effective price block number. Tentative fee.
(uint256 ethAmount, uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 blockNum) = _offerPrice.updateAndCheckPriceNow.value(0.001 ether)(token);
uint256 ethMultiple = ethAmount.div(1 ether);
uint256 tokenForEth = tokenAmount.div(ethMultiple);
// If the eth paid for the price is left, it needs to be processed.
// ........
emit price(ethAmount, tokenAmount, blockNum, ethMultiple, tokenForEth);
* @dev Get multiple prices
* @param token The token address of the price
* @param priceNum Get the number of prices, sorted from the latest price
function getBatchPrice(address token, uint256 priceNum) public payable {
// In consideration of future upgrades, the possibility of upgrading the price contract is not ruled out, and the voting contract must be used to query the price contract address.
Nest_3_OfferPrice _offerPrice = Nest_3_OfferPrice(address(_voteFactory.checkAddress("nest.v3.offerPrice")));
* The returned array is an integer multiple of 3, 3 data is a price data.
* Corresponding respectively, eth quantity, token quantity, effective price block number.
uint256[] memory priceData = _offerPrice.updateAndCheckPriceList.value(0.01 ether)(token, priceNum);
// Data processing
uint256 allTokenForEth = 0;
uint256 priceDataNum = priceData.length.div(3);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < priceData.length;) {
uint256 ethMultiple = priceData[i].div(1 ether);
uint256 tokenForEth = priceData[i.add(1)].div(ethMultiple);
allTokenForEth = allTokenForEth.add(tokenForEth);
i = i.add(3);
// Average price
uint256 calculationPrice = allTokenForEth.div(priceDataNum);
// If the eth paid for the price is left, it needs to be processed.
// ........
emit averagePrice(calculationPrice);
function getLatestPrice(address token) internal returns (uint256 _ethAmount, uint256 _erc20Amount, uint256 _blockNum) {
uint256 _balanceBefore = address(this).balance;
address oracle = voteFactory.checkAddress("nest.v3.offerPrice");
uint256[] memory _rawPriceList = INest_3_OfferPrice(oracle).updateAndCheckPriceList{value: msg.value}(token, 1);
require(_rawPriceList.length == 3, "CoFiXCtrl: bad price len");
// validate T
uint256 _T = block.number.sub(_rawPriceList[2]).mul(timespan);
require(_T < 900, "CoFiXCtrl: oralce price outdated");
uint256 oracleFeeChange = msg.value.sub(_balanceBefore.sub(address(this).balance));
if (oracleFeeChange > 0) TransferHelper.safeTransferETH(msg.sender, oracleFeeChange);
return (_rawPriceList[0], _rawPriceList[1], _rawPriceList[2]);
// return (K_EXPECTED_VALUE, _rawPriceList[0], _rawPriceList[1], _rawPriceList[2], KInfoMap[token][2]);
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