Adventure Gold
Adventure Gold
Circ/Total Supply
24h Turnover
Loot is a chain-generated and stored random adventurer gear. It is a community-driven NFT project that allows anyone to cast items that represent a group of eight adventurer themed gear items that have the scarcity characteristics of random distribution.
Adventure Gold (AGLD) is a community-initiated Loot Project governance token that can be airdropped to all Loot holders.
Loot is a collection of 8,000 unique adventurer gear bags, originally published by Don Hoffman. Upon release, anyone can claim loot bags by paying GAS and all bags are released within 4 hours. Each loot bag contains eight items: the adventurer's chest, foot, hand, head, neck, ring, waist, and weapon. Look back at the DeFi explosion and how DeFi Lego bricks like loans and decentralized exchanges (DEX) triggered the emergence of new Lego bricks such as Yield Yield aggregators. Such a situation will also occur in the historical process of the development of NFT and meta-universe.
Loot NFT holders can apply for $4000 AGLDs, and each NFT can apply for 10,000 AGLDs.AdventureGold (AGLD)
1. This is a new format, not just animal pictures.
2. This is an ecosystem, not just NFT.
3. It can not only be shared, but also memed.
Loot is an experiment. The future of this experiment depends on everyone in the community, even everyone who is interested and willing to help build it. It is both a paradigm shift and a MEME of NFT. Everyone can re-create around a simple text.
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< strong > about LOOT < / strong > < / p >
On the official website, only two lines of short English introduction to LOOT : Loot is randomized adventurer gear generated and stored on chain. Stats, images, and other functionality are intentionally omitted for others to interpret.
Loot is randomly generated adventurer gear and stored on the blockchain. Statistics, images and other features are intentionally omitted for interpretation by others.
Feel free to use Loot in any way you want. Feel free to use Loot in any way you want.
More generally, Loot is a text-only on-chain NFT on a black background that anyone can cast and receive a random set of fantasy adventurer gear, in text form of course, with the rarity of random distribution.
Each Loot contains eight items of equipment, so there are eight lines, each line representing one item of equipment.
The total Loot was 8,000, and the creator reserved 222 for himself as a reward (these tokens had the same scarcity distribution as everyone else). Currently, all NFT tokens have been minted and claimed. Loot took a different approach. It was a bottom-up approach. Instead of creators adding value to NFT after it was released, @DHOF let the community determine the value of NFT.Just as YFI was popular in DeFi Summer, Fair Launch and composability were introduced into NFT system to some extent in Loot. Instead of the top-down ICO logic of most NFT's "make by issuer, buy by user", Loot has created a more decentralized APPROACH to NFT casting where anyone can participate in casting and publishing. Therefore, the value of NFT is no longer tied to a single organization or individual, but depends on the strength and consensus of the community and, in the long run, on the "degree of construction" of future Loot.
At present, the high price of Loot comes more from freshness and hype, but the emergence of Loot also provides new options and possibilities for the future development of the whole NFT, giving greater space for imagination. The current Loot is a minimum viable product (MVP), anyone can use Loot and other protocols for combination connection, expansion, similar to DeFi stacking wood, can continue to create and build on the basis of Loot. On the fifth day of creation, many ecological applications have been built around Loot, although they are still rudimentary.
It could represent a paradigm shift in NFT for the better, bringing us closer to cross-compatible games. Loot ultimately represents the building blocks of NFT, and how high they can go depends entirely on the upper limits of the community's collective imagination. It feels like almost the entire community is building an open source role-playing game (RPG) in real time. The fact that they turned the whole script upside down is why everyone is so excited about it.
Loot is essentially a minimum viable product that anyone can adopt and extend, build, evolve, and complete in any way they can imagine. So far, the community has at least welcomed this new developmental perspective of NFT, as evidenced by their active participation and the depth of knowledge built around the project. Everyone wants to be a part of it. Look back at last year's DeFi summer and how DeFi Legos like lending and decentralized exchanges (DEX) triggered the emergence of new Legos like Yield Yield aggregators. Now a similar phenomenon is happening with Loot projects.
The project's decision to leave no official explanation for Loot is a clever and bold design for the growing number of text versions of NFT. The community was given full autonomy to create Loot. Imagine if you liked some of the features of a Punk, but didn't like the whole look of the Punk, and if you changed it to fit your style, the 'identity' of the Punk you had was destroyed. For Loot, because its owners have complete creative autonomy and people can easily create new designs to suit their tastes, the entire community will flock to it and praise it for "looking rare." Arguably, the fact that there is no official artwork makes community-produced art more unique, as each artist has his own interpretation of Loot and can expand his knowledge more widely.
Loot is an evolution of NFT, betting call options on community creativity and the projects that are starting to form around it. It captures the essence of the ecosystem in both collaborative character and creativity, and infuses new ideas into areas we thought we already saw well understood.
2021년 10월 9일
크립토 금융 서비스 앰버 그룹 (Amber Group)이 전리품 장비를 시각화해 아바타를 생성하는 툴 전리품 생태학 (tool Loot Swag)을 출시한다고 발표했다.Amber Group은 더 많은 아티스트들이 가입하여 스킨 디자인을 업로드하고 NFT로 거래할 수 있는 표준을 만들 것이며, Loot Swag는 Loot, MLoot, Synthetic Loot 보유자가 이용할 수 있으며, 누구나 자신만의 아바타를 만들 수 있다고 합니다.
2021년 9월 9일
리트 설립자 돔 호프만 (Dom Hofmann)은 개인 또는 조직 (DAO와 다중 서명 등)이 소유자 역할을 할 수 있는 능력을 제거하기 위해 리트 계약 키 (Loot contract keys)를 파괴하자고 제안했다.돔 호프만은 제안서에서 전리품 계약 키 파괴의 장단점을 저울질한 후 키 파괴가 프로젝트의 분산과 평등 정신을 고취시키는 데 도움이 될 것이기 때문에 키 파괴를 찬성하기로 했다고 말했다.제안안에 대한 투표는 베이징시간 9월 13일 0시까지 계속됩니다.또한 열쇠의 파괴는 최소 60% 이상의 사람들의 승인을 받아야 하며, 그렇지 않으면 기본적으로 유지된다.
September 8, 2021
- Loot community members Heygareth.Eth, Hill, Eraser, JX, and AGLD recordings the Adventure Gold banner economy v1.제안은 AGLD를 전리품 생태가 화폐정책을 실시하고 생태 프로젝트를 지원하는 화폐도구로 만드는 것을 목표로하고 있다.AGLD will eventually value as a store of us assets the ecosystem grows.AGLD will raise 10 per cent in the first year and halve the rate each year tradition, with the total volume capped at 20 per cent of the current total.EPOCH의 추가 발행은 기본 소득으로 작용하며, Loot와 mLoot의 층별 시장 가치 비율에 따라 약정 전리품 및 전리품으로 분배될 것입니다.
September 8, 2021
AGLD를 리트 거버넌스 토큰으로 받아들이자는 리트 커뮤니티의 제안이 이제 승인되었습니다:스냅샷의 NFT 프로젝트 리트 커뮤니티에서 AGLD를 리트 거버넌스 토큰으로 받아들이자는 제안이 승인되었습니다.전리품 참여자 2880명 가운데 52.07% 가 찬성표를 던졌다.이 법안은 DAO의 자금 지원, 인플레이션 가능성 및 기타 제안들이 통과되면 표결에 부쳐질 수 있다고 명시되어 있다.
2021년 9월 3일
Adventure Gold started an airdrop to Loot NFT luxury.Each treasure of NFT holder can claim $4000 AGLDs, and Each NFT can claim 10,000 AGLDs.AGLD 시장이 최고점에 달했을 때 가격은 7달러에 달했는데, 이는 NFT 가 받은 에어드롭이 7만달러, 즉 1.4 비트코인에 팔릴 수 있다는 의미다.
2021년 8월 28일
Documenting on August 28, and the content is a random documenting documentations of 8 additional equipment.며칠 만에 거래량이 506,000 ETH (약 2억 1600만 달러)에 달했습니다.심지어 문서의 내용에 따라 해당 그림이나 서술, 뒷이야기를 커뮤니티에 설정하도록 이끌었고, 심지어 NFT 세계에서 충격의 시기였던 V 신의 관심을 끌기도 했다.