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CCN测试网2.0启动在即:Computecoin将为Web3.0和元宇宙的建构提供算力基础4月22日,金色财经举办主题为“算力和隐私:Web3和元宇宙基础设施”AMA,邀请到了三位嘉宾分别是Computecoin 的CMO John Hrzic、CCN产品与矿工关系负责人Joseph Mennillo、Oasis中国区大使计划顾问Bill。 根据John Hrzic的回顾,CCN第一期测试网Dome-A吸引了来自25个国家的超过20万的计算与存储节点,其为CCN网络贡献了总计82万亿的元算力(MP / s),这相当于4000PB的存储空间,或10万张Nvidia 3080显卡的计算能力。该计算能力比Fugaku——具有537212 万亿次浮点运算能力的世界上最强大的超级计算机更加强劲,这也正是CCN能为Web3.0和元宇宙的建构提供算力基础的原因。 同时,CCN还将在四月下旬推出Computecoin测试网第二阶段Huygens。Huygens将会扩大测试参与者的规模以及加强生态系统的建设,在Dome-A的成功基础上再接再厉。 算力是构建元宇宙和Web 3.0的未来不可或缺的基础,而隐私泄露的隐患一直是全球用户相当关注的问题。

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金色财经 播主
今天金色财经邀请到三位嘉宾,分别是Joseph Mennillo、John Hrzic、Bill

金色财经 播主

Bill-Oasis 嘉宾
大家好,我是绿洲网络中国社区大使计划顾问,我们是一条具有隐私计算功能的公链。作为大使团队的项目顾问,在国内我们已经拥有100+的大使团队成员 全球目前已经拥有500+的大使团队成员了。???????

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
Greetings all! I’m Joseph Mennillo, a Product Relations Associate at Computecoin.

(翻译小助手 嘉宾)
大家好,我是Joseph Mennillo,负责CCN的产品与矿工关系。)

John Hrzic 嘉宾
Hello everyone! I’m John Hrzic, CMO at Computecoin. I’m also a growth strategist in Blockchain, Crypto, and NFT. Nice to be here today!

(翻译小助手 嘉宾)
大家好,我是Computecoin的CMO John Hrzic,同时我在区块链、NFT等加密领域也有丰富的经验。很高兴在这里跟大家见面!)

金色财经 播主

Bill-Oasis 嘉宾
我想从Web 2.0与Web 3.0的比较中来探讨这个问题。

Bill-Oasis 嘉宾

Bill-Oasis 嘉宾
Web 2.0是中心化且不尊重个体隐私的,交互性也是较差的。Web 2.0应用程序运行在中心化服务器上,一旦服务器出现问题或App停运,你的所有付出可能会在一夜之间化为乌有。

John Hrzic 嘉宾
Even Roblox, built initially on AWS, outgrew that network and had to build its own data centers. Latency and coverage problems will continue to ruin the experience of simultaneity and immersiveness that is fundamental to the next generation of the internet.

(翻译小助手 嘉宾

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
The computational requirements of Web3 and the metaverse will demand an unprecedented amount of computing resources, which traditional data centers and cloud service providers will struggle to meet.

Bill-Oasis 嘉宾
反观Web 3.0,它是是去中心化的、尊重个体隐私的,而且有了隐私保护功能,数据交互将更容易实现。

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
Computecoin and its cloud-native and fully decentralized infrastructure are able to provide aggregated and decentralized computing power from around the world while being highly resilient to system node failure and outside attempts at censorship.

翻译小助手 嘉宾

翻译小助手 嘉宾

金色财经 播主

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
Let me also briefly talk about Computecoin for the new friends. Computecoin is building the infrastructure of Web3 and the metaverse and thus solves a critical gap in the digital asset ecosystem: we are creating a platform that provides powerful, low-latency, cost-effective and reliable computing resources so developers can easily deploy dApps in a decentralized manner to meet the growing demand of web3/metaverse applications

翻译小助手 嘉宾
让我为不了解Computecoin的新朋友们简单介绍一下我们的项目。Computecoin 旨在构建一个为Web3 和元宇宙赋能的基础设平台,来解决当下数字资产生态系统中的一个痛点:通过提供强大、低延迟、具有成本效益和可靠的计算资源,以便开发人员可以轻松地,并且以去中心化的方式部署 dApp,以满足 Web3/metaverse等应用程序不断增长的对算力的需求。

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
I believe in terms of comparability, Computecoin is definitely more similar to Ethereum because we’re both Layer-1 blockchains. CCN’s blockchain can achieve superior transaction performance and offers powerful and complete developer tools for ecosystem growth with 20K+TPS and an almost zero transaction fee.

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
We also like to think of ourselves as a Layer-0.5 blockchain. Computecoin can also support mainstream Layer 1 blockchains with our aggregated and authentic decentralized cloud infrastructure. Right now, Computecoin is fully compatible with Ethereum. The Computecoin team is working on bridging Solana, Avalanche, Polkadot, etc.

翻译小助手 嘉宾
我认为在与它们的比较中,Computecoin肯定与以太坊更相似,因为两者都是Layer-1区块链。CCN的区块链网络具有卓越的交易性能,并以20K +TPS和近乎零的交易费用为生态系统发展提供强大且完整的开发者工具。

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
What makes Computecoin stand out from other blockchains is that we have a patented consensus algorithm called Proof of Honesty (PoH). PoH guarantees the authenticity of computing and storage power in our network.

翻译小助手 嘉宾
同时,我们也喜欢将自己视为Layer-0.5区块链。因为Computecoin还可以通过CCN的分布式计算的聚合器模型,来支撑主流的Layer-1区块链。目前,Computecoin已经达到与以太坊完全兼容。接下来,Computecoin会与Solana,Avalanche,Polkadot等完成兼容。不仅如此,使Computecoin从其他底层区块链中脱颖而出的是我们自己研发的Proof of Honesty(PoH)—— 一个获得美国专利的共识算法,PoH确保了CCN网络中计算和存储能力的真实可靠。

金色财经 播主

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
The computing power supply offered by Computecoin is aggregated from around the world. We launched Dome-A, phase one of our testnet, in fall 2021. Over 200 thousand computing and storage power nodes from 25 countries participated, contributing a total of 82 trillion Metapower (MP/s) to the network, equivalent to 4,000 petabytes of storage space, or 100,000 of Nvidia’s top-of-the-line 3080 graphics cards.

翻译小助手 嘉宾
Computecoin的算力来自于世界各地。我们在2021年秋季推出了CCN测试网的第一阶段Dome-A,其中有来自25个国家的超过20万的计算与存储节点参与其中,为CCN网络贡献了总计82万亿的元算力(MP / s),这相当于4000 PB的存储空间,或10万张Nvidia 3080显卡的计算能力。

John Hrzic 嘉宾
To further contextualize the amount of computing power we have, 100,000 Nvidia 3080 graphic cards equals 3,060,000 teraflops if we calculate with 30.6 teraflops per card. That's more powerful than that of Fugaku, the world’s most powerful supercomputer, with 537,212 teraflops.

翻译小助手 嘉宾
为了让大家更进一步了解CCN所拥有的计算能力,我们以每张显卡30.6万亿次浮点运算计算,10万张Nvidia 3080显卡则等于3060000万亿次浮点运算。这比Fugaku——具有537212 万亿次浮点运算能力的世界上最强大的超级计算机更加强劲。

John Hrzic 嘉宾
I’d like to remind everyone that we are launching the second phase of Computecoin’s testnet, Huygens, in late April. Huygens will build on Dome-A’s success by expanding its roster of providers and fortifying the ecosystem’s capabilities. Huygens will be an open testnet, so all are welcome to apply!

翻译小助手 嘉宾

金色财经 播主

John Hrzic 嘉宾
For our ecosystem, we are very proud of our native crypto wallet, Ale Wallet, serving as your fast and easy access to the CCN ecosystem, allowing you to securely store, send and receive CCN tokens and all the tokens issued on Computecoin.

Joseph Mennillo 嘉宾
We have about 10 or more teams building on Computecoin that we know of. Below is a list of our favorites: Uverse: an AI-powered avatar platform for the metaverse CCN SWAP: a CCN token swap exchange STEM: an NFT platform that makes creating & launching NFTs easy and cost-effective iREAM DAO: a platform for creating and managing mixed-reality real estate Torii Finance: a DeFi protocol that enables staking, reflection, crypto loans, and NFTs

翻译小助手 嘉宾
据我们所知,大约10个甚至更多的团队在Computecoin上构建。主要有以下几个例子:Uverse:面向元宇宙的AI驱动虚拟化身平台 CCN SWAP:CCN代币交易所 STEM:使创建和启动NFT变得简单且有效益NFT平台 iREAM DAO:用于创建和管理混合现实房地产的平台 Torii Finance:一个支持质押、加密贷款和NFTDeFi协议

金色财经 播主

John Hrzic 嘉宾
You can certainly combine computing power and privacy computing. As a matter of fact, privacy is a key feature of Computecoin, and we are currently considering utilizing Oasis’s privacy computing solution in the near future. As a layer-0.5 blockchain, we will support Oasis users like supporting that of other layer 1 projects.

翻译小助手 嘉宾

John Hrzic 嘉宾
As for this combination’s significance towards the metaverse, I would say that computing power is an indispensable foundation of building the future of the metaverse and Web 3.0, and the concern for privacy has been a considerable concern of users across the globe. By combining the two, people of the metaverse will be able to feel at ease and more secure when creating or enjoying products and services of Web 3.0, and thus able to have a superior metaverse experience.

翻译小助手 嘉宾
至于这种组合对元宇宙的意义,我想说的是,算力是构建元宇宙和Web 3.0的未来不可或缺的基础,而隐私泄露的隐患一直是全球用户相当关注的问题。通过将二者结合起来,人们在创造或享受Web 3.0的产品和服务时,将能够感到更加安心、安全,从而能够有一个卓越的元宇宙体验。

金色财经 播主

