
Circulating Supply / Total Supply
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Brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov, founders of Telegram Messenger, started exploring blockchain solutions for Telegram Messenger. They found that there was currently no Layer 1 blockchain that could support Telegram's billion-level user base, so they decided to design their own Layer 1 chain, which was called Telegram Open Network at the time.
Telegram raised $1.7 billion through a planned private sale of TON tokens (then called Grams), one of the largest cryptocurrency offerings ever.
October 2019
The Telegram team released a series of documents detailing the design of the TON blockchain. Telegram launched two TON testnets, one in spring 2019 and the second in November 2019.
October 2019
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has sued Telegram for an unregistered securities offering. Telegram claimed the SEC's allegations were baseless, but agreed to delay TON's launch until the legal issues were resolved.
March 2020
Telegram ultimately decided to give up amid an ongoing standoff with U.S. regulators.
May 2020
The Telegram team halted TON development and support for Testnet 2, paid an $18.5 million settlement, and agreed to return the funds to investors.
NewTON, a small team of open source developers, took an in-depth look at TON's code base, architecture, and documentation. They followed the design in the original TON document and restarted active development of TON.
May 2021
Testnet 2 has remained stable for a long time, and the community voted to rename it to Mainnet. The NewTON team has also changed its name to the TON Foundation - a non-profit community focused on further supporting and growing the network.
May 2021
Stable and secure blockchain
Third quarter of 2021
TON—ETH and TON—BSC Bridge
Fourth quarter of 2021
Listed on top exchanges; TON subscription
First quarter of 2022
TON Nominator; TON Defi; TON Developer Program
2nd quarter of 2022
TON DNS; TON payment
Third quarter of 2022
TON agent; TON site
Q4 2022
TON storage
First quarter of 2023
Cross-chain bridge; TON Connect; Token Guide and Tools; TON Awards 2022; Network configuration adjustments; Tokenomics optimization voting; 100x stress test
Second quarter of 2023
DAO & Liqudity Staking Contracts; database; deflation mechanism of token economics; decentralized cryptographic information; address reform; TVM updates; locking and vesting tools
Q3 2023
Scalability and speed demonstration; chain sharding guidelines and tools; enhanced coordination between validator nodes; electors and configuration updates; currencies; ETH, BNB, BTC cross-chain bridges
Q4 2023
Cross-chain bridge; Separation of sequencers and validators