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OptionRoom is a polkadot-based governed predictor and prediction protocol. Our goal is to create an extensible protocol with multiple use cases: from predictor as a service to infinite event derivation.
Protocol features:
OaaS: Oracle as a Service for User governance: OptionRoom can act as OaaS -- Oracle as a service, where Oracle requests are resolved through governance.
User-managed predictive market protocols: OptionRoom allows users to create and participate in event derivatives linked to real-world outcomes through governance consensustwo-token model: two-token model: ROOM as the utility token of OptionRoom, COURT as the governance token of protocol.
Governance pledges and veracity scores: Users pledge their courts to get higher and higher veracity scores, which mean more voting rights. Honest governance participants were rewarded with ROOM, while dishonest participants were punished.LP mining: Governance token COURT can only be obtained by providing liquidity/mortgage utility token ROOM
Self-sustainable and community-based: Agreement fees drive buyback mechanisms. OptionRoom's founders don't take any percentage of the agreed fee.Build based on Polkadot: OptionRoom V2 is scheduled to build based on Polkadot.
User incentives: OptionRoom rewards protocol and governance participants. Pool creators receive a percentage of the prize money as an incentive to promote their pool.
Reward buffer pool: The excess fees generated by the agreement are transferred to the reward buffer pool, which is used as an inflation-reducing agreement reward.
Multiple use cases: OaaS, Infinite prediction markets, decentralized polls, dispute resolution, decentralized polls, curated lists -- are some of the use cases for the OptionRoom architecture