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Parsiq is a general purpose blockchain parsing and monitoring tool. The tool provides an analytical view of blockchain transaction history. It also provides real-time monitoring of accounts, transactions and related blockchain status. Parsiq uses big data analytics techniques and machine learning algorithms for advanced parsing and processing of transaction trees to provide detailed information on the movement of blockchain assets. The platform will eventually be used for multiple blockchains and implement a modular design designed to provide many applications for different use cases. At its core, Parsiq is about providing an open platform that is accessible and extensible to everyone.
PARSIQ tokens (PRQ) are an important part of the PARSIQ platform and can coexist with fiat payments and use its services. Use PRQ tokens to make payments within the platform and enjoy discounts. In the first Epoch, when PRQ tokens were used to run payments for smart-trigger (a smart contract deployed in the PARSIQ environment), users would receive higher quotas, unlock transport methods and be able to make suggestions for platform features.
Q4 2021
An on-chain automatic transfer response triggered by an on-chain or off-chain event Application integration: Shopify, Salesforce Data provider integration: Merkle Science, IntoTheBlock
Q3 2021
Smart triggers for analyzing historical blockchain data. Integration with accounting software applications such as Xero, Quickbooks Data provider integration, e.g., Coingecko, Coinmarketcap
Q2 2021
Product release: Public project market Needs translationsSlack, Wechat
Q1 2021
Product release: Open source PARSIQ community DeFi: IQ Protocol Age 2.0 Token economics: The Threemium model
Q4 2020
DeFi platform; Ocean Protocol Blockchain layer 1 interworking platform: Binan Intelligent chain Product Release: Ncase Payment system