Media Licensing Token

Media Licensing Token
Circ/Total Supply
24h Turnover
Platform features include: content licensing, content management, content marketing and distribution, AI subtitles, governance, audience engagement, frame-by-frame video player.
It addresses four fundamental and important challenges in the global media industry: global usability, buyer discovery, complex licensing, and early feedback from viewers. MLT (Media Licensing Token) acts as a payment and contract signing medium because communities reward vehicles and platform governance tokens.The first to fourth quarters of 2022
Launch MILC as an event site. Launch MILC markets for user-generated content, such as Youku and laymen. Enable advertisers to book space on content platforms of interest through MILC. Enables television stations to offer and market their own free advertising space.
Third to fourth quarter of 2021
Launch MILC platform to non-industry customers. Provide favorable governance for MLT token holders. Enables producers to allocate part of their promotional budget (P&A) to MLT token holders.
Second quarter of 2021
Public sales (IDO). Listed on an exchange. Expand technical personnel to achieve round-the-clock operation. WdW TV will provide the MILC platform with approximately 20,000 of its own programming properties. Launch the official MILC platform.
First quarter of 2021
Open store UI development. Implement online trading function. Website and whitepaper improvements. Start raising money. Marketing starts.