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PlatON is a service-oriented computing architecture. In addition to providing basic services such as computing, data, storage, and network, application developers can also publish their own application services on PlatON. Every application on PlatON consumes a certain amount of resources (computing power, bandwidth, storage, data, etc.) to run. To achieve fair and reasonable use of resources and avoid resource abuse, PlatON uses a series of algorithms to achieve reasonable scheduling and validity verification of resources, and uses LAT to measure resource usage.
LAT is also the power that drives PlatON, the "computing factory". Each app chain can also create its own app LAT. In the PlatON network, users only need a unified account to manage and use their OWN LATS. Lats of different chains can be transferred freely across chains.
PlatON consists of a main chain and multiple application chains. Each chain is commercially independent and logically parallel to each other. The main chain is the initial chain of the PlatON network, while the application chain is a vertical chain derived to solve a specific industry problem.
Fourth quarter of 2018
Baleyworld (MVP beta release, PlatON client release)
Third quarter of 2019
Chuantuo Trantor (main network online; Publish the complete MPC, VC algorithm and Giskard consensus.
Fourth quarter of 2019
Endpoint Terminus (release parallel computing version.)
Q2 2020
Gaia Gaea (release dedicated computing hardware to fully support the hardware and software coevolution of the future computing world.)