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“最好的比特币(货币结算系统)+ 最好的以太坊(智能合约编程环境)”,2015年10月,“智能合约”概念提出者,密码学家尼克萨博在Twitter上这样评价Rootstock (RSK)。RSK是一个和比特币双向锚定的开源的智能合约平台,矿工还可以通过联合挖矿获得奖励。RSK创始人Diego在自己的 领英界面 写道,

“经过多年在拉丁美洲促进比特币采用的工作,我意识到,创建一个能够有效为当地亿万无银行账户提供金融服务的基础平台,还缺少一个关键因素。没有智能合约功能,在缺乏信任的环境中降低波动性,执行复杂的业务规则。 ”



2018年1月,RSK正式上线。去年底,RSK宣布了被RIF Labs收购的消息,RIF Labs是由RSK创始团队和其他知名业内专家创建的一个开发实验室,它源于在RSK的第三层创建P2P交互的想法。通过合并,RSK为智能合约互操作性打开了大门,因为RIF OS的框架可能允许RSK在未来与其他智能合约平台进行互操作。

除此以外,RSK团队向巴比特介绍,上线一周年来,RSK Smart在各方面获得了成长,包括:

• 联合挖矿(比特币矿工可同时在主链和侧链进行挖矿)算力从5%增长到了超过40%,大大加强了这一侧链的安全性。

• 面向侧链联邦成员成功部署硬件安全模块(HSM)——为成员持有的250个比特币的安全提供支持以支撑两条链之间双向锚定的无缝运作。

• RSKSmart Github代码库有超过2900次任务提交,相当于Bitcoin Core自诞生以来收到的所有任务的15%。

• 用于侧链运作且与比特币1:1挂勾的Smart Bitcoins(RBTC)开始在多家大型交易所上线,例如火币、Bitfinex和Bitso——让开发者更容易获得RBTC。

• RIF OS的上线,提供了一系列P2P基础设施服务以及在RSK网络上用于dApp开发的代码库

• 2018年我们与50多家企业建立了合作关系,包括节点托管服务商(OakNode)、供应链管理公司(Temco和Dexfreight)以及慈善企业(BitGive)。

最近,RSK又有了最新进展:RSK域名服务(RNS)——首个RIF OS目录协议的实现——也上线了,能够通过可读的别名和域名为用户提供了可轻松识别相关资源的能力,例如RSK地址和公钥等。


“现阶段,区块链开发者和用户必须使用十六位且很难识别的地址,而RNS则能创建人类可读的地址别名。举个例子,如果想要搜索你的朋友Alice,你只需要输入“alice.rsk”,而不是“3f84e75ebb8a561e24436eb456463b79afe533fc”。RNS还针对域名注册流程推出了一个竞标系统以确保公正性。在提供功能强大的服务堆栈方面,RNS是先行者,RIF OS协议将集合包括链下支付、数据存储、数据传输和安全通信在内的功能。”


8btc:Rootstock whitepaper was published in 2015. Till now, is there any change to the strategy or the goal of RSK? What will be the primary focus of RSK in the future? RSK的整体战略规化从起初到现在经历了什么转变吗?未来的战略重点,每个板块的具体布局是怎样的?

RSK:Since its inception RSK purpose was always to build and integrate decentralized networks and infrastructure to enable Financial Inclusion on a global scale. That mission still remains the same and given that our objective is connected with serving the most vulnerable in our society, security was a fundamental aspect and the reason the Bitcoin Network was chosen to secure RSK Infrastructure.


As we advanced in the pursue of our goals it became clear that to reach them was essential to make blockchain technology scalable and easy to use for developers, traditional organizations and innovators. That’s why RSK founding team together with other recognized industry experts designed and launched RIF OS on top of the RSK Smart Contract Network. RIF OS is the first all-in-one, easy-to-use, blockchain based p2p infrastructure service suite that will bridge the gap between these technologies and mass adoption. The full stack secured by Bitcoin provides high scalability without compromising security.

在此期间,我们发现,要想实现我们的目标,必须首先提升区块链技术的延展性,让开发者、传统机构和创新者用起来都能更加简单。因此,RSK的创始团队和其他知名的业内专家一起研发并推出了基于RSK智能合约网络的RIF OS。RIF OS是首个一体化且易上手的区块链P2P基础设施服务,为技术和普通大众之间搭建了沟通的桥梁。基于比特币的技术堆栈带来了更高的延展性,同时无需在安全方面做出妥协。

8btc:Why RSK choose to launch Name Service (RNS)? What do you think about the potential of name service? Combined with crypto wallet accounts, digital identity and so on, what can name service bring to us? RSK为什么要上线域名服务?怎么看待域名未来的发展空间?比如域名与加密钱包账户,或者数字身份挂钩等等。
RSK:Name Services are key to translate complex technical concepts into user-friendly labels. This is key to reach the non-technical audience, as it enables the end user to easily and reliably verify the identity of the recipient in a transaction or in any context that requires ID validation. To understand the relevance of this protocol we only need to check what happened with DNS, a key enabler for mass adoption in the Internet of Information, today nobody would think about using IP addresses, but everybody remembers their favorite website’s domain by heart.


8btc:Is there any distinct difference between bitcoin smart contract and Ethereum or EOS one? Can you talk about the advantages bitcoin hold for creating smart contracts? 比特币智能合约与以太坊或者EOS智能合约是否存在显著区别?比特币在创建智能合约方面有什么优势?
From the perspective of programming capabilities RSK Network is on par with Ethereum as both natively support Solidity Smart Contracts and the same APIs. These level of compatibility makes seamless for developers to port their Dapps to the RSK Network and leverage on their acquired abilities / knowledge. 从编程方面来看,RSK与以太坊几乎无异,两者都支持Solidity智能合约以及同样的API接口,开发者可以根据需要在两个网络之间实现无缝对接。

From a perspective of security RSK Network is protected by 40% of the Bitcoin Network computing power and uses the same hashing mechanism as Bitcoin which is the safest decentralized network in the world. Although other security models like EOS’ DPoS or Ethereum’s PoW based on general purpose hardware might bring some benefits none of those Networks has been battle tested and custodied so much value as the Bitcoin Network.


RSK is combining the best of Bitcoin and Ethereum under one roof.


Some interesting facts about the RSK network are:

• Bitcoin Friendly: Bitcoin was the first and, today, the most well-secured blockchain available. • Secure: RSK blockchain is secured by merge-mining, which means that RSK may achieve the same security as Bitcoin in terms of double-spend prevention and settlement finality. • Scalable: RSK can scale up to 100 transactions per second without sacrificing decentralization. • Flexible: Near instant payments allow new use cases, such as retail-ready store payments and micro-credits.

RSK网络的优势如下: - 比特币友好型:比特币不只是首个区块链网络同时也是最安全的。 - 安全:RSK区块链的安全得到了联合挖矿的保障,也就是说,其具备了与比特币同等的安全性,存在双花保护和结算最终性。 - 延展性:RSK每秒能够处理100笔交易,同时不需要在去中心化方面做出妥协。 - 灵活性:近乎即时的支付带来了全新的应用场景,例如零售商店的支付以及微额信贷。

8btc:After being acquired by RIF Labs, RSK is said to focus on smart contract interoperability, any progress you can share with us now? 在被RIF Labs收购之后,你们提到将重点发展智能合约的互操性,目前在这方面取得了什么样的进展?
RSK:RSK was the first productive sidechain to Bitcoin achieving an important milestone in interoperability between Blockchains.


RSK’s Node supports the Ethereum’s JSON- RPC API making every tool in both ecosystems cross compatible. On top of that RSK team has a Beta version of a bridge with Ethereum that will enable tokens to seamlessly flow between networks.

目前RSK的节点支持基于以太坊JSON- RPC API的所有工具。此外,RSK团队还实现了与以太坊的连接,允许代币在两个网络之间实现无缝流动。

We have been in touch with the Lightning Labs team to study the creation of dual Lightning / Lumino (first implementation of the RIF Payment Protocol) that will enable instant exchange of BTC (bitcoins) for RBTC (smartBitcoins). Related to this our Bangkok Hackathon winner Chiang Mai Lightning Network built a solution to connect RSK and Lightning networks making it easier for developers to get access to Smart Bitcoins (RBTC) today.

我们已经与Lightning Labs团队取得了联系,希望能共同开发双重闪电网络(dual Lightning)或者说Lumino(RIF支付协议的第一版),其能够实现BTC和RBTC之间的即时交易。此外,我们在曼谷举办的黑客马拉松获胜者Chiang Mai Lightning Network搭建的方案能够将RSK和闪电网络连接在一起,方便开发者获得RBTC。

As RSK intends to integrate and provide Smart Contract capabilities to all the networks lacking those capabilities the RSK team has been in talks with teams from Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Ravencoin to discuss building bridges with those cryptoeconomies.


Finally RIF OS follows the same objectives as RSK on the construction of an open network of networks for the transfer of value and that’s the reason why all of its services will accept the RIF token which in the future is expected to be ported to other Smart Contract enables Blockchains beyond Ethereum.

最后,RIF OS将秉承RSK的理念,建立一个公开的价值传输网络,因此,所有相关服务都会接受RIF代币支付。未来这一代币将成为对接其他智能合约的入口,不仅限于以太坊。

8btc:Bitcoin’s transaction throughput is one that concerns many users, what can RSK do to improve bitcoin’s processing ability? What progress can we see today? 具体介绍一下,RSK在改善比特币交易吞吐量方面做了什么努力?有哪些进展?
RSK:RSK, in its current state, is already a scaling solution to Bitcoin as it enables the processing of up to a 100 tps (transactions per second) using smartBitcoins that are fully pegged 1 to 1 with bitcoins. These transactions are settled on average on around 15 seconds. An additional consequence of being able to process more transactions sharing operational costs with Bitcoin is that transaction costs during 2018 were under 2 cents USD during the whole period.


On top of the current improvements the future RSK / RIF roadmap includes on-chain compression, transient transactions, full node rewards and off-chain payment processing. When all these improvements are integrated they can enable the processing of tens of thousands of transactions per second in a decentralized and sustainable way.


8btc:Two Mimblewimble-based cryptos – Grin and Beam are quite popular in China, will RSK implement privacy protocol one day? 最近Grin和Beam这两款基于Mimblewimble的隐私币在中国大受欢迎,未来RSK会不会考虑增加隐私功能?
RSK:At RSK / RIF Labs we take privacy of the individuals very seriously and have in our roadmap the development of a confidential transaction protocol named Sigilo. We also think this is key to enable certain governmental and corporate use cases that require to obfuscate sensitive information for regulatory of competitive reasons.

RSK和RIF Labs都非常重视个人隐私,我们的发展路线图已经包含了保密交易协议Sigilo的开发。我们还认为在开拓政府和企业应用层面需要混合敏感信息以迎合竞争需求。

8btc:What concrete plans do RSK hold for this year? 可以谈谈RSK 2019年的计划吗?
RSK:We will continue to work on expanding RSK’s partnership and use cases with special focus on financial inclusion that is at the core of our organization’s purpose.


Also we aim to end the year with the first version of an integrated stack between RSK and RIF OS services. Target services include off-chain payments, decentralized data storage, data feeds marketplace, secured communications and naming services.

同时,我们计划在年底之前发布RSK和RIF OS服务集成栈的第一版。目标服务包括链下支付、去中心化数据存储、数据传输市场、安全通讯以及域名服务。

We will continue to strengthen the security of the network by expanding the current 40% of Bitcoin mining hash rate as close as possible to 100%.


Additionally we will keep expanding the integration with tools, wallets and exchanges, and consolidate our interoperability efforts with other crypto-economies like Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash among others to facilitate broad adoption of the RSK Live Network for developers and organizations.

