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Recently, there have been many significant events in crypto. As always, I've seen a lot of scams, lies, and greed, which has left me highly disappointed in many projects and VCs.

Firstly, I want to thank the long-time OORT supporters. Honestly, without your support and trust, our OORT team couldn't continue to build high-quality products in such a chaotic field. Many OORT team members don't have weekends off and work over 15 hours a day. Personally, my first meetings often start at 6 AM, and by the time the office opens at 9 AM, I've usually already had 4 to 5 meetings.

I've also noticed that the price of the OORT token has been dropping in recent weeks. Some friends have come to me to discuss the performance of OORT tokens. At this point, I want to clarify that I am currently the CEO of OORTECH, a US-based technology company primarily responsible for technology and product development. The OORT token and community are managed and operated by the OORT Foundation in Switzerland. We have collaborated very closely to achieve OORT long-term success. Therefore, for any inquiries about OORT token, please contact the Foundation directly; this is the most effective communication channel. While I sometimes help forward token-related suggestions and feedback sent to me to the Foundation, direct communication with the Foundation is the most efficient way. My collaboration with the Foundation has always been pleasant; they work hard, although there is still significant room for improvement. I believe that with direct communication between the Foundation and the community, things will get much better.

In the coming weeks, I will share some of my thoughts on Twitter:
1. Why is the business model of decentralized storage not viable?
2. Why is decentralized computing technically immature, and is the business model not viable?
3. Why do most Web3 AI projects struggle to commercialize and generate revenue?
4. Why do VCs invest in and promote projects they know are scams?
5. Why do talents from Web2 find it difficult to enter the Web3?
6. Why are there so many scam projects in the Web3 space, something rarely seen in human history?
7. Answering the questions above, what is OORT
 currently working on? What contributions will OORT make to the Web3 field?

I know that my writings may harm some project/VC’s interests, but the community truly needs someone to speak the truth. I do not expect my writings can change the entire culture of the crypto community, but I hope people will understand the truth.

I am pleased to see more and more of my professor friends joining the crypto community to engage in true projects. These are people who do serious work and speak the truth. After all, if even scholars don't speak the truth, the field will undoubtedly perish eventually, and the community will be seriously harmed and sacrificed. Please feel free to share my writings so that more people can hear the truth and understand the facts.


首先,我要感谢 OORT 的长期支持者。说实话,如果没有你们的支持和信任,我们的 OORT 团队就无法在如此混乱的领域继续打造高质量的产品。许多 OORT 团队成员没有周末休息,每天工作超过 15 个小时。就我个人而言,我的第一场会议通常在早上 6 点开始,而到早上 9 点办公室开门时,我通常已经开了 4 到 5 次会议。

我还注意到,最近几周 OORT 代币的价格一直在下跌。一些朋友来找我讨论 OORT 代币的表现。在这一点上,我想澄清一下,我目前是 OORTECH 的首席执行官,这是一家总部位于美国的技术公司,主要负责技术和产品开发。OORT 代币和社区由瑞士的 OORT 基金会管理和运营。我们进行了非常密切的合作,以实现 OORT 的长期成功。因此,对于任何有关 OORT 代币的咨询,请直接联系基金会;这是最有效的沟通渠道。虽然我有时会帮助将发给我的代币相关建议和反馈转发给基金会,但直接与基金会沟通是最有效的方式。我与基金会的合作一直很愉快;他们努力工作,尽管仍有很大改进空间。我相信,随着基金会与社区之间的直接沟通,事情会变得更好。

接下来的几周,我将在 Twitter 上分享我的一些想法:
1. 为什么去中心化存储的商业模式不可行?
2. 为什么去中心化计算在技术上不成熟,商业模式不可行?
3. 为什么大多数 Web3 AI 项目都难以实现商业化和创收?
4. 为什么风险投资家会投资并推广他们知道是骗局的项目?
5. 为什么来自Web2的人才很难进入Web3?
6. 为什么Web3领域有这么多骗局项目,这在人类历史上是罕见的?
7. 回答以上问题,OORT @oortech目前正在做什么?OORT 将对 Web3 领域做出什么贡献?



作者:Max Li @DrMaxLi