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1. XChain正式开始就印尼Sukhavati Ayurvedic度假康养中心健康管理项目展开数据收集和管理工作

XChain officially started data collection and management for the health management project of Sukhavati Ayurvedic Resort and Wellness Center in Indonesia

自去年年底XChain同印尼著名度假康养中心Sukhavati Ayurvedic达成初步合作意向后,双方的合作与本周正式开始.XChain目前主要负责度假中心所有客户群体的健康数据收集工作

Since the end of last year,XChain reached an initial cooperation intention with Sukhavati Ayurvedic,a famous Indonesian holiday and wellness center.The cooperation between the two sides officially began this week.XChain is currently responsible for the health data collection of all customer groups in the resort


Health data covers the whole life cycle of a person,including personal health,as well as the convergence and aggregation of data on various aspects such as medical services, disease prevention and control, health care and food safety.Big data candiscovera large number of similar cases of the past,and analyze these diagnostic data to quickly identify intractable diseases.In addition,peoplecan use image processing technology to model the data into a virtual entity

By setting different parameters,itcan simulate the effects of various types of surgery or drugs on the patient's function,so that the possible trend of the disease before the diagnosis and treatment Making predictions provides a means to obtain a diagnosis and treatment of the disease


ForHoliday Center,how to make data valuable and serve customers is a more crucial step.In the deep mining and analysis of medical big data,XChain will develop data mining solutions based on healthy big data,and groundbreaking research and development of basic technology for multi-group data mining, making health care big data truly effective


Currently,XChain’stechnical team initially plans to build a blockchain platform for distributed health data storage.The platform will manage user-uploaded health data,mine data values and maximize their utilization efficiency.Under the premise of ensuring data security,thecenter will comprehensively analyze the user's health data,improve the efficiency of data acquisition and analysis,and help improve the current products,and understand the health risks.R&D can bring better customersquality enjoyment,andhealthier wellness products


At present,XChain’s technical team has started to collect basic data, and the follow-up work will be carried out in sequence.It is expected that the initial operation of this platform will be realized this year

2. XChain受邀参加“EmTech China 2019全球新兴科技峰会”活动

XChain was invited to participate in the "EmTech China 2019 Global Emerging Technology Summit" event


At the beginning of the new year,in an age when technology is developing more and more than ordinary people can imagine,there is an urgent need for a summit dialogue to summarize the past and guide the future.On January 19th 2019,the Global Emerging Technology Summit will be held in Beijing,China. More than 30 global new technology "leaders" will participate in this event


The theme of the event was “From Lab to Industry”.The combination of technology and business will be the main line.Through the combing and sharing of speakers,it will quickly understand the development path of emerging technologies,the scale of disruptive technologies and potential impacts.The summit will coverseveral major themes,such as the "AI era","power world","limited world,unlimited blockchain","future work","rewrite life","digital world","∞ space".XChain will focus on the "limited world,unlimited blockchain" theme section

3. XChain将参加澳洲商会2018年年度总结大会,并参与2019年商会董事会开放选举活动.

XChain will participate in the Australian Chamber of Commerce's 2018 Annual Summary Meeting and participate in the opening election of the 2019 Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors


Since joining the Australian Chamber of Commerce,XChain has actively participated in many activities organized by the Chamber of Commerce during the year.With the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce,it has established contacts with the Victorian government department of Australia and has also sought extensive cooperation between the rest of the Chamber of Commerce.At the end of 2018, XChain will also participate in the summary meeting as the only blockchain company among the members of the Chamber of Commerce.Review the work of the year


The year-end conference will provide members with an opportunity to learn directly from the Chamber of Commerce management about the development of the Chamber of Commerce over the past year and the expansion plan for the coming year,as well as the election of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce.The opening list of the board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce in 2019 includes the president,vice president,secretary general,financial officer and three directors

4. 本周技术部分更新 Technical updates of this week


Complete the automatic parallel development of common jobs according to pattern,enter the functional test phase,the current average task efficiency is increased by more than 3 times,and it is expected that the operation rate and service throughput will be greatly improved after going online


Investigate the feasibility of linux cgroup technology and namespace technology in solving port conflicts and resource isolation


The custom Docker container is developed and enters the comprehensive testing phase.The implementation functions include generating specific containers according to the conditions,resources,and ports


Continue to optimize the UI interface,increase the Docker creation process monitoring function, facilitate development debugging and error positioning
