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据近期海外各大媒体报道获悉:由SPC基金会出资研发的 “META HORSE” (区块链+赛马)元宇宙链游即将上线。META HORS使用了全新的区块链技术,是一款结合育成、收藏、投注和比赛于一身的沉浸式赛马游戏。此款游戏一旦成功上线将吸引全球众多元宇宙爱好者玩家踊跃参与 。

According to recent reports from major overseas media, the "META HORSE" (blockchain + horse racing) metaverse chain game funded and developed by the SPC Foundation will be launched soon. META HORS uses a new blockchain technology and is an immersive horse racing game that combines breeding, collection, betting and racing. Once this game is successfully launched, it will attract many metaverse fans around the world to actively participate.

据悉,亚洲资本策略独立基金成立于英国开曼群岛专注于金融投资管理业务,公司旗下SPC基金会专注为 Metaverse(元宇宙)及agarwood(沉香)生态系统所有用户创建持久稳定性收益的管理协议和跨链资产聚合收益平台,是较早布局元宇宙领域的投资金融公司之一,此次投资新加坡World spark技术团队研发元宇宙赛马链游戏,必将推动這一区块链游戏领域进入全新的科技赛道,成为元宇宙赛马游戏的重要里程碑和节点之一。

It is reported that Asia Capital Strategy Independent Fund was established in the British Cayman Islands to focus on financial investment management business. The company's SPC Foundation focuses on creating lasting and stable returns for all users of the Metaverse (Metaverse) and agarwood (Agarwood) ecosystems. The cross-chain asset aggregation income platform is one of the earlier investment and financial companies in the Metaverse field. This investment in the Singapore World spark technical team to develop the Metaverse Horse Racing Chain game will definitely promote this blockchain game field into a new technology. The track has become one of the important milestones and nodes of the metaverse horse racing game.

据官方透露,META HORSE创新性的将将“盲盒+NFT”的特点合二为一。 透过饲养以及配种方式让马匹NFT更有价值。玩家可以在游戏中繁殖、升级、交易马匹,让自己拥有更稀有更强大的马匹,从而在比赛中获胜以此获得奖励。除了比赛,玩家还可以通过获得马匹、繁育马匹、交易等娱乐性玩法,满足各类不同玩家的喜好和需求。According to official reports, META HORSE innovatively combines the features of "blind box + NFT" into one. Make horse NFT more valuable through breeding and breeding. Players can breed, upgrade, and trade horses in the game to make themselves rarer and more powerful horses, so as to win the game and get rewards. In addition to competitions, players can also obtain horses, breed horses, trade and other entertaining gameplay to meet the preferences and needs of various players.

NFT是未来游戏产业的新载体,DeFi是未来游戏系统的新经济,为游戏生态提供可信赖的智能工具。在META HORSE中,每匹不同属性的马都是稀有的NFT,具有可变的经济价值。全球玩家参与此元宇宙链游可以通过购买亚洲资本策略独立基金公司发行的SPC通证拥有马匹NFT。每匹马的数据都安全地存储在区块链网络中,每一只加密马都是独一无二的,而且100%归玩家所有,任何第三方都无法修改、复制或销毁。META HORSE与传统游戏的不同点在于,系统是让每一位参与META HORSE的玩家除了享受赛马的趣味,还能在游戏中“边玩边赚”获得丰厚的奖励及惊喜。后续敬请期待。

NFT is the new carrier of the future game industry, and DeFi is the new economy of the future game system, providing reliable intelligent tools for the game ecosystem. In META HORSE, each horse with different attributes is a rare NFT with variable economic value. Global players participating in this metaverse chain game can own horse NFT by purchasing the SPC token issued by the Asian Capital Strategy Independent Fund Company. The data of each horse is securely stored in the blockchain network, and each encrypted horse is unique and 100% owned by the player, which cannot be modified, copied or destroyed by any third party. The difference between META HORSE and traditional games is that the system allows every player who participates in META HORSE to not only enjoy the fun of horse racing, but also to "play and earn" in the game to get rich rewards and surprises. Please look forward to the follow-up.
