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The press conference is organized by the preparation of the British Asian Capital Strategy Independent Fund. The press conference with the theme of "SPC Meta Universe Token Set Sail" will be held in Singapore on December 8, 2021. Participating in this video conference attracted Internet industry associations from all over the world, professionals in the Metaverse industry, business leaders, and senior executives of famous fund companies to gather together to focus on Metaverse’s token economic innovation and financial innovation, and share the knowledge of the token economy and Metaverse. Innovative achievements have helped the development and implementation of the Metaverse Token Industry. Fund companies issue SPC certificates with the most investment value potential, creating derivatives based on stable returns.

SPC 由成立于2018年的Asia-Capital Strategy SPC(亚洲资本策略独立组合基金)发起的、专注于为 Metaverse(元宇宙)及agarwood(沉香)生态系统所有用户,创建持久稳定性收益的管理协议和跨链资产聚合收益平台。筹办初始便已经吸引了各界关注,并得到了东南亚知名数字投行金马交易所的大力支持。此次启航发布会在新加坡举办是元宇宙通证经济的一个新的里程碑。

SPC was initiated by the Asia-Capital Strategy SPC (Asia-Capital Strategy Independent Fund of Funds) established in 2018 and focused on creating long-lasting stable income management agreements and management agreements for all users of the Metaverse and agarwood ecosystems. Cross-chain asset aggregation revenue platform. The preparations have already attracted attention from all walks of life, and have received strong support from the Golden Horse Exchange, a well-known digital investment bank in Southeast Asia. The holding of the launch conference in Singapore is a new milestone in the meta-universe token economy.

元宇宙一词是指人们可以通过互联网使用虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)设备访问的共享虚拟空间。这是客观存在的、开源的、动态演化的、以用户需求为导向的,本质上是一个人造的虚拟平行世界,这也是 SPC通证经济的意义所在。在信用货币体系下,元宇宙作为高度发达的通证经济形态,成为信用货币密集流向的领域。区块链作为完成元宇宙拼图的数字技术,将元宇宙和元宇宙通证变成了客观存在、不可篡改的实体,SPC元宇宙通证甚至可成为独立于元宇宙的价值存在。

The term meta-universe refers to a shared virtual space that people can access through the Internet using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices. This is an objective, open source, dynamically evolving, user-oriented, and essentially an artificial virtual parallel world. This is also the meaning of the SPC token economy. Under the credit currency system, Meta Universe, as a highly developed token economy, has become an area where credit currency flows intensively. Blockchain, as a digital technology to complete the meta-universe puzzle, turns the meta-universe and meta-universe tokens into objective and immutable entities, and the SPC meta-universe token can even become a value existence independent of the meta-universe.

2021年3月Roblox的上市将“元宇宙”的概念推广到全球,英伟达、腾讯、字节跳动、谷歌、迪士尼、亚马逊、Soul等全球互联网平台也均已开始布局元宇宙产业链。当Facebook宣布改名为Meta以反映其对这个行业all in的时候,这个行业已经成为众人瞩目的焦点和下一个科技赛道。

The listing of Roblox in March 2021 will promote the concept of "Meta Universe" to the world. Global Internet platforms such as Nvidia, Tencent, ByteDance, Google, Disney, Amazon, Soul, etc. have also begun to deploy the meta universe industry chain. When Facebook announced that it was renamed Meta to reflect its all in this industry, this industry has become the focus of everyone's attention and the next technology track.


在移动互联网红利消失的今天,元宇宙争夺战看起来像是为下一个时空比赛做路演,预先拿到门票是大型企业可持续增长的前提。作为普通人,或许不能像商业巨头那样做时代的弄潮儿,那么在这趋势当中,我们是否也可以做好准备,争取顺势而为呢?欢迎携手英国亚洲策略独立基金把握财富、 把握趋势, 实现你人生的梦想!

With the disappearance of the mobile Internet dividend, the meta-universe battle looks like a road show for the next space-time competition. Obtaining tickets in advance is a prerequisite for the sustainable growth of large enterprises. As ordinary people, you may not be able to follow the trend of the times like the business giants, so in this trend, can we also be prepared and strive to follow the trend?

Welcome to join hands with the British Asian Strategic Independent Fund to grasp wealth, grasp the trend, and realize your dream of life!
