太和投资|太和资本宣布投资元宇宙 NFT 塔防游戏 SpaceY 2025

太和资本(Ti Captial)参与了元宇宙 NFT 塔防游戏 SpaceY 2025 的早期投资。 **SpaceY 2025 是一款基于火星移民题材的 3A 级塔防链游。**

目前,太和资本投资的元宇宙 NFT 塔防游戏 SpaceY 2025 正处于千万美金的第二轮融资中。此前 SpaceY 2025 已完成 465 万美元的第一轮种子轮融资。除了太和资本之外,参投方还包括 Huobi Ventures、LINKVC、Longling、FBG、NEO、Bonfire、Hotbit 等。

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资元宇宙 NFT 塔防游戏 SpaceY 2025


SpaceY 2025

SpaceY 2025 是一款基于火星移民题材的沙盒塔防 NFT 游戏。通过结合游戏、社交、加密经济于一体,打通虚拟世界和现实生活的可互通度,构建一个庞大的 NFT 元宇宙。

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资元宇宙 NFT 塔防游戏 SpaceY 2025


太和资本为区块链及数字资产领域知名的专业投资、咨询机构,旗下涵盖四大业务主线:风险投资、资产管理、加速 & 咨询、研究分析。


Ti Capital announced to invest in SpaceY 2025, a Metaverse NFT tow er defense game

Ti Capital announced an investment in SpaceY 2025, which is a 3A-level NFT sandbox tower defense Blockchain game about Martian settlement.

The Metaverse NFT tower defense game, SpaceY 2025 is currently in the second round of financing after the first round of financing of $4.65 million. Besides Ti Capital, SpaceY 2025 also received investment from Huobi Ventures、LINKVC、Longling、FBG、NEO、Bonfire、Hotbit, etc.

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资元宇宙 NFT 塔防游戏 SpaceY 2025


SpaceY 2025

SpaceY 2025 is a Martian immigration-themed sandbox tower defense based on blockchain and NFT technology. It is a 3A-level blockchain game created by Blockfish.

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资元宇宙 NFT 塔防游戏 SpaceY 2025

About Ti Captial

As a professional investment and consultative institution, TI Capital covers four major areas : venture capital, asset management, accelerator & consultancy, research and analysis.

Ti Capital is currently managing multiple crypto currency funds, and has invested and partnered with multiple projects with bright prospect and broad commercial use successively.