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DeFi七点钟社区 |Deeper 致力于提供 Web3.0 基础设施和入口服务,Web3.0的新未来?


4月1日晚七点,DeFi七点钟社区迎来第64期嘉宾 . 小马哥,Deeper Network CTO和Eric,Deeper Network CMO ,分享主题:Deeper 致力于提供 Web3.0 基础设施和入口服务,Web3.0的新未来?






Q1: Could you briefly introduce the Deeper project and team background?

Q1:请您简单介绍下Deeper 项目和团队背景?

Eric: I was previously a core member at CoinMarketCap. I played an instrumental part in community development as well as business partnerships. Upon joining Deeper Network, I immediately supported from the community front in linking up the community with Deeper Network's public sales.

Deeper Network shares the same long term vision for the future of what the internet should look like. Our shared vision shall come to fruition and people will soon be able to enjoy the benefits of censorship free, secure and private decentralized internet anywhere in the world.

小马哥: 我2014年接触以太坊以后就对区块链产生浓厚兴趣,并一直跟进行业的进展。2018年的时候决定从机器学习方向转到区块链行业,因此离开亚马逊并加入了Harmony公链项目,担任协议构架师并负责核心代码的开发。2020年加入Deeper Network负责区块链的设计和开发。Deeper Network有着未来互联网的长期愿景。这一共同愿景正在逐步成为现实,人们将很快能够在世界任何地方享受抗审查,安全和隐私保护的分布式网络。Deeper的公司实体位于美国加州的硅谷,非常靠谱的背景。

Q2: Deeper's products have received a lot of attention. Please share the features and advantages of Deeper's core product, Deeper Connect?

Q2:Deeper 的产品得到巨大的关注,请分享下Deeper 核心产品 Deeper Connect的特点和优势?

Deeper Connect is our flagship product. We have several iterations in both software and hardware. The size becomes smaller and smaller and software becomes more and more stable. We developed our own network OS called AtomOS which has 7 layer firewall functions and can provide a secure and private network environment for its users.

Our Deeper Connect Mini has broken records on Indiegogo making our product the most successful blockchain product ever to hit Indiegogo. You can check out the product link here!

We are also currently developing our 6th generation Deeper Connect Pico, which is about the size of your thumb and supports wifi. Can you imagine such a small device that helps you fight censorship, protects your privacy and opens gate to web 3.0 where internet is free and decentralized? These are features that all Deeper Connect devices offer and in addition to it all, it allows users to mine $DPR token when you share your unused bandwidth to the network.

Deeper Connect是我们的旗舰产品。我们在软件和硬件上都有几次迭代。尺寸越来越小,软件变得越来越稳定。我们开发了自己的网络操作系统AtomOS,该操作系统具有7层防火墙功能,可以为其用户提供安全的私有网络环境。

我们的Deeper Mini打破了Indiegogo的记录,使我们的产品成为有史以来最成功的区块链产品。您可以在此处查看产品链接!

我们目前也正在开发第六代Deeper Connect Pico,它的大小与您的拇指差不多,并支持wifi。您能想象这么小的设备可以帮助您对抗审查制度,保护您的隐私并打开免费且分散的Internet的web 3.0的大门吗?这些是所有Deeper Connect设备提供的功能,除此之外,当您将未使用的带宽共享给网络时,它还允许用户挖掘$ DPR令牌。

Q3: How does Deeper's products realize privacy and security functions, and what is the principle? How to use hardware as the entry point to let users switch to Web3.0 painlessly?

Q3: Deeper 的产品如何实现隐私、安全的功能,原理是什么?如何以硬件为入口,让用户无痛切换到 Web3.0

Deeper 产品通过搭载自己开发的AtomOS操作系统,具有类似企业级防火墙级别的功能,用户可以对安全的网络环境具有更细致的把控,并根据用户需求进行调整。比如美国用户可以选择禁止共享BT下载请求,大陆用户可以禁止Twitter和Facebook分享请求等等。



Q4: What is Web3.0 in your understanding? What is the value of Deeper to users?

Q4:在您的理解中什么是 Web3.0?Deeper 对用户的价值点是什么?


Q5: Can you tell us briefly about the economic model of Deeper token and the recent development of Deeper?

Q5:能否跟我们简单说下Deeper 代币的经济模型,以及Deeper 最近的发展情况?


As a part of our equity, seed, private and public raise, we have very strict vesting schedules which are designed to help protect the value of DPR. Majority of the team tokens are locked for a minimum of 2 years and slowly unlocked from there. In addition, investors for example have 15% of their tokens unlocked at token distribution with the remaining slowly locked equally over 10 months. Even our public sales have only 30% of their tokens unlocked at token distribution and the remaining slowly unlocked over time. Deeper Network is in the space for long term, however, because of the working tech and advancement of our products, short terms gains will also be realized. We are also exploring the token burn feature to fight inflation as well as staking features to expand the benefits for DPR token holders.

作为我们的股本,种子,私人和公开募股的一部分,我们有非常严格的归属时间表,旨在帮助保护DPR的价值。 多数团队令牌被锁定至少2年,然后从那里缓慢解锁。 此外,例如,投资者在发行代币时将其代币的15%解锁,其余的代币则在10个月内缓慢地平均锁定。 甚至我们的公开销售中,只有30%的代币在代币分发时被解锁,其余的随着时间的流逝逐渐被解锁。 更深层的网络是长期的发展空间,但是,由于技术的不断发展和我们产品的进步,短期内的收益也将实现。 我们还在探索通证燃烧功能,以对抗通货膨胀,以及通过抵押功能扩展DPR通证持有者的利益。

Q6: What value does Deeper have to the Polkadot ecology and other projects in the ecology? Are there any plans to bid for parachains afterwards?

Q6:Deeper 对波卡生态和生态里的其他项目有哪些价值?之后有竞拍平行链的计划吗?

Deeper 作为Web3.0时代的基础设施,他是具有很大的用户基础的。比如我们现在在全球80多个国家和地区都拥有用户,大概总共接近10000台。之后会越来越快速的增长。这些用户都是我们区块链生态潜在的用户。因此当跨链做好以后,我们的用户可以以此为平台轻松的接入波卡其他项目的应用。

至于平行链的计划,我们还在权衡。由于我们本身就是一个去中心化的基础设施,有众多的用户基础,因此天然具有一个健康的生态。 另一方面,我们基于波卡的substrate开发的,因此如果接入平行链则可以更轻松的和其他链交互。不过因为我们区块链的相对于其他早期项目较晚,目前测试网已经开发完毕也通过内测了。接下来是主网的开发。因此我们如果打算参与竞拍也不会是第一批。

Q7: Finally, can you talk about Deeper's follow-up development plan and future goals?

Q7:最后您能说下Deeper 的后续的发展计划以及未来目标吗?

Launching mainnet will allow mining of DPR to start, which excites much of the Deeper Network community! Mainnet will also allow the development of our Deeper Network ecosystem which will open the gates into Web 3.0. Users of Deeper Connect will be able to enjoy the benefits of DeFi products, DApps stores where developers can earn DPR for developing useful DApps and users can purchase DApps they like using DPR. Other ecosystems worthy of development include NFT ecosystems, decentralized e-commerce, e-services and most impressively, the interoperable nature of Polkadot where the Deeper Ecosystem will connect to other blockchains such as Ethereum, Cardano, Binance Chain through bridges.

启动主网将允许开始进行DPR的挖掘,这使Deeper Network社区大为兴奋! Mainnet还将允许开发我们的Deeper Network生态系统,这将打开进入Web 3.0的大门。 Deeper Connect的用户将能够享受DeFi产品的好处,在DApps商店中,开发人员可以通过开发有用的DApp获得DPR,并且用户可以使用DPR购买喜欢的DApp。 其他值得发展的生态系统包括NFT生态系统,去中心化的电子商务,电子服务以及最令人印象深刻的是Polkadot的互操作性,其中Deeper生态系统将通过桥梁连接到其他以太坊,Cardano,Binance Chain等区块链。
