翻译:Tlab Research姜孜龙
SEC下属的公司金融部、投资管理部以及交易和市场部在 1CO 和各类加密资产交易平台问题上的核心立场:
1. 以投资合约发行和销售的数字资产,无论在交易过程中被冠以何种名称或使用何种技术,均属于证券;
3. 持有数字资产证券或提供相关投资咨询服务的投资机构,必须依法注册,并且承担受监管和受托人责任;
4. 除申请豁免之外,任何提供数字资产证券交易的平台必须向 SEC 进行注册,任何为证券提供买卖双方撮合交易的平台,无论使用何种技术,必须确定是否属于联邦法律所认定的交易所,然后进行相应注册;
委员会最近的执法行为包括了AirFox、Paragon、Crypto Asset Management和TokenLot法令以及对EtherDelta的创始人的法令【3】,具体会在下面具体讨论。而这些执法行为显示了公司遵守证券法要求的重要性。广义的来讲,执法行为所针对的问题涉及到三个类型:(1)首次公开发行数字资产证券(包括那些首次公开发行代币(‘1CO’));(2)投资数字资产证券的投资基金以及建议其他人投资这些证券的那些人(译者注:投资顾问);(3)数字资产证券市场的二级市场交易。下面我们将提供部门对于这些问题的观点。
不管一个主体如何对其本身或其用于撮合买卖双方交易的具体行为或技术进行描述(译者注:试图表明其并非为交易平台),但是在定义一个主体是否为交易所主要采用的是功能法(考虑相关的事实和情况)。【15】实际发生在买家和卖家之间的行为—而不是相关主体运行和促使交易系统的技术或者名字的种类—才是决定是否一个系统作为一个交易场所进行运行并满足规定3b-16(a)对于交易所的定义。比如,“订单”这一名词在3b-16条款中有意的被广泛的定义,且在系统中买卖双方之间实际的活动—而不是所指定的“交易意向”这一标签—被考虑成为验证是否为交易所的方式。【16】交易所验证(译者注:即评定是否为交易所)包括整个主体行为的评估,以及用于撮合多个证券买卖双方订单并在订单交易时使用“非任意支配”的方式。【17】一个系统 “撮合了买家和卖家的订单”的行为意味着其会展示或其他方式将交易意向传递给用户,或系统会集中的接受订单用于未来的处理和执行。【18】
委员会最近的TokenLot法令阐明了经销商-经纪商注册的要求是适用于交易或促进数字资产证券交易的实体,即使它们不符合交易所的定义。根据这一法令,TokenLot将其自己定义为“1CO的超市”,投资者可以在数字资产包括数字资产证券的首次募资期间或募资完成之后进行购买,包括私募和预售阶段。其经纪活动包括营销和促进数字资产的销售,接受投资者的订单和支付资金,以及支付发行人的收益。他们还根据1CO筹集的所得款项的百分比获得佣金,但须保证最低佣金。 TokenLot还通过定期购买然后转售由TokenLot账户中由公司运营者控制的帐户的数字代币来充当经销商。
[1] 这一声明代表了公司金融部、投资管理部、交易和市场部的观点。它不是一个规定、法规或者证券交易委员会(下面称“委员会”)的声明。委员会也并没有对此内容表达同意或反对的观点。
[2] 委员会主席以及公司金融部主管也对于这一话题提出了官方的声明。参见:对于首次公司发行代币(1CO)的观点(2017年12月11日),可见:https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/statement-clayton-2017-12-11; ;数字资产交易:当Howey遇见Gary(Plastic)
(June 14, 2018), available at https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/speech-hinman-061418. (2018年6月14日),参见https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/speech-hinman-061418。
[3] 参见 CarrierEQ, Inc., Rel. No.
33-10575 (2018年11月16日); Paragon Coin, Inc., Rel. No.
33-10574 (Nov. 16, 2018); Zachary Coburn, Rel. No.
34-84553 (2018年11月8日) (settled order) (“Coburn
Order”); Crypto Asset Management, LP and Timothy Enneking, Rel. No.
33-10544 (20189月11日) (settled
order) (“Crypto Asset Management Order”); and Tokenlot LLC, Lenny Kugel, and Eli L. Lewitt, Rel. No.
33-10543 (2018年9月11日) (settled order) (“TokenLot
[4] 在2017年7月27日,委员会发行了一个报告,其中涵盖特定数字资产为证券这一内容并解释了数字资产证券的发行必须注册发行和销售,除非有明确的豁免可以应用。对于1934年证券交易法第21(a)项的调查依据报告:去中心化组织(2017年7月25日),参见 https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf. 在2017年12月11日,委员会发布了一个解决法令,针对一个名为Munchee,
Inc.的发行方,明确表达出即便一个通证声称其为效用通证,其仍可能为证券。 Munchee, Inc.,
Securities Act Rel. No. 10445 (2017年12月11日) (settled
order) (“Munchee Order”). 两项内容共同而言,去中心化组织报告和Munchee法令强调了以投资合同销售的数字资产(无论在流转过程中的术语和技术是什么)均为证券 。
[5]当然,如果一个证券被提供或销售,美国证券法中的反欺诈保护条款就适用。委员会已经签署了一系列执法行为包括数字资产包括那些具有欺骗性的1CO。参见 https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/cybersecurity-enforcement-actions(列举了数字资产相关的执法行为)。
[7] 有关与投资某些数字资产的注册投资公司相关问题的讨论,参见给ICI和SIFMA AMG的员工信件:涉及基金创新和数字相关控股,可见https://www.sec.gov/investment/fund-innovation-cryptocurrency-related-holdings。
[8] 此外,集合投资基金不仅投资证券,而且自身也是证券发行人。虽然这里没有涉及,但是当证券使用新技术(如区块链)时,与投资工具的证券发售和销售相关的联邦证券法的要求同样适用。
[9]参见, e.g. Coburn 法令 and TokenLot 法令。
[11]参见 id。
[12]Coburn 法令6-7。
[13]如Coburn Order所述,委员会的调查结果是根据被申请人的和解提议作出的,并不对任何其他人或实体具有约束力。
[14] 本声明中讨论的相关法律和监管要求适用于自然人或实体。
[15] 在其法规ATS通过发布时,委员会讨论了构成交换的内容,并提供了说明规则3b-16的各种应用的示例。参见交易所及另类交易系统法规,Exchange Act Rel.
No. 40760 (Dec. 8, 1998), 63 FR 70844 (Dec. 22, 1998), 可见 https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-1998-12-22/pdf/98-33299.pdf。
[16]参见 id 70844。
[17]参见id 70852。
[18]参见id 70852。
[19] 对于从事数字资产证券活动的实体,还需要考虑联邦证券法中其他的潜在的法律和监管问题,例如清算机构和转让代理注册。
Statement on
Digital Asset Securities Issuance and Trading
Division of
Corporation Finance, Division of Investment Management, and Division of Trading
and Markets
Nov. 16, 2018
In recent years, we
have seen significant advances in technologies – including blockchain and other
distributed ledger technologies – that impact our securities markets. This
statement[1] highlights several recent Commission enforcement actions
involving the intersection of long-standing applications of our federal
securities laws and new technologies.
The Commission's
Divisions of Corporation Finance, Investment Management, and Trading and
Markets (the "Divisions") encourage technological innovations that
benefit investors and our capital markets, and we have been consulting with
market participants regarding issues presented by new
technologies.[2] We wish to emphasize, however, that market
participants must still adhere to our well-established and well-functioning
federal securities law framework when dealing with technological innovations,
regardless of whether the securities are issued in certificated form or using
new technologies, such as blockchain.
The Commission's
recent enforcement actions involving AirFox, Paragon, Crypto Asset Management,
TokenLot, and EtherDelta's founder,[3] discussed further below, illustrate
the importance of complying with these requirements. Broadly speaking, the
issues raised in these actions fall into three categories: (1) initial
offers and sales of digital asset securities (including those issued in initial
coin offerings ("ICOs")); (2) investment vehicles investing in
digital asset securities and those who advise others about investing in these
securities; and (3) secondary market trading of digital asset securities. Below,
we provide the Divisions' views on these issues.
Offers and Sales of
Digital Asset Securities
The Commission has
brought a number of actions involving offerings of digital asset
securities. To date, these actions have principally focused on two
important questions. First, when is a digital asset a
"security" for purposes of the federal securities
laws?[4] Second, if a digital asset is a security, what Commission
registration requirements apply?[5] The importance of these and related
issues is illustrated by several recent Commission enforcement actions
involving digital asset securities. In particular, the remedial measures
in two of these matters demonstrate a way to address ongoing violations by
issuers that have conducted illegal unregistered offerings of digital asset
Today, the
Commission issued settled orders against AirFox and Paragon in connection
with their unregistered offerings of tokens. Pursuant to these orders,
AirFox and Paragon will pay penalties and also have undertaken to register the
tokens as securities under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 ("Exchange Act") and to file periodic reports with the
Commission. They have also agreed to compensate investors who purchased
tokens in the illegal offerings if an investor elects to make a claim. The
registration undertakings are designed to ensure that investors receive the
type of information they would have received had these issuers complied with
the registration provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 ("Securities
Act") prior to the offer and sale of tokens in their respective
ICOs. With the benefit of the ongoing disclosure provided by registration
under the Exchange Act, investors who purchased the tokens from the issuers in
the ICOs should be able to make a more informed decision as to whether to seek
reimbursement or continue to hold their tokens.[6]
two matters demonstrate that there is a path to compliance with the
federal securities laws going forward, even where issuers have conducted an
illegal unregistered offering of digital asset securities.
Investment Vehicles
Investing in Digital Asset Securities
The Investment
Company Act of 1940 ("Investment Company Act") establishes a
registration and regulatory framework for pooled vehicles that invest in
securities. This framework applies to a pooled investment vehicle, and its
service providers, even when the securities in which it invests are digital
asset securities.[7]
On Sept. 11,
2018, the Commission issued the Crypto Asset Management Order, finding that the
manager of a hedge fund formed for the purpose of investing in digital assets
had improperly failed to register the fund as an investment company. The
order found that the manager engaged in an unlawful, unregistered,
non-exempt, public offering of the fund. By investing more than 40
percent of the fund's assets in digital asset securities and engaging in a
public offering of interests in the fund, the manager caused the fund to
operate unlawfully as an unregistered investment company. The order
also found that the fund's manager was an investment adviser, and that the
manager had violated the antifraud provisions of the Investment Advisers Act of
1940 ("Advisers Act") by making misleading statements to investors in
the fund.
Investment vehicles
that hold digital asset securities and those who advise others about investing
in digital asset securities, including managers of investment vehicles, must be
mindful of registration, regulatory and fiduciary obligations under the
Investment Company Act and the Advisers Act.[8]
Trading of Digital Asset
actions[9]and staff statements[10]involving secondary market trading of digital
asset securities have generally focused on what activities require registration
as a national securities exchange or registration as a broker or dealer, as
those terms are defined under the federal securities laws.
Exchange Registration
Advancements in
blockchain and distributed ledger technology have introduced innovative methods
for facilitating electronic trading in digital asset securities. Platforms
colloquially referred to as "decentralized" trading platforms,
for example, combine traditional technology (such as web-based systems that
accept and display orders and servers that store orders) with new technology
(such as smart contracts run on a blockchain that contain coded protocols to
execute the terms of the contract). These technologies provide the means
for investors and market participants to find counterparties, discover prices,
and trade a variety of digital asset securities.
A platform that
offers trading in digital asset securities and operates as an
"exchange" (as defined by the federal securities laws) must
register with the Commission as a national securities exchange or be exempt
from registration. The Commission's recent enforcement action against the
founder of EtherDelta, a platform facilitating trading digital assets
securities, underscores the Division of Trading and Markets' ongoing
concerns about the failure of platforms that facilitate trading in digital
asset securities to register with the Commission absent an exemption from
According to the
Commission's order, EtherDelta—which was not registered with the Commission in
any capacity—provided a marketplace for bringing together buyers and sellers
for digital asset securities through the combined use of an order book, a
website that displayed orders, and a smart contract run on the Ethereum
blockchain. EtherDelta's smart contract was coded to, among other
things, validate order messages, confirm the terms and conditions of orders,
execute paired orders, and direct the distributed ledger to be updated to
reflect a trade.[12] The Commission found that EtherDelta's activities
clearly fell within the definition of an exchange and that EtherDelta's founder
caused the platform’s failure either to register as a national securities
exchange or operate pursuant to an exemption from registration as an
Any entity[14]that
provides a marketplace for bringing together buyers and sellers of securities,
regardless of the applied technology, must determine whether its activities
meet the definition of an exchange under the federal securities
laws. Exchange Act Rule 3b-16 provides a functional test to assess
whether an entity meets the definition of an exchange under Section 3(a)(1) of
the Exchange Act. An entity that meets the definition of an exchange must
register with the Commission as a national securities exchange or be exempt
from registration, such as by operating as an alternative trading system
("ATS") in compliance with Regulation ATS.
Notwithstanding how
an entity may characterize itself or the particular activities or technology
used to bring together buyers and sellers, a functional approach (taking into
account the relevant facts and circumstances) will be applied when assessing
whether a system constitutes an exchange.[15] The activity that
actually occurs between the buyers and sellers—and not the kind of technology
or the terminology used by the entity operating or promoting the
system—determines whether the system operates as a marketplace and meets the
criteria of an exchange under Rule 3b-16(a). For instance, the term
“order” for purposes of Rule 3b-16 is intended to be broadly construed, and the
actual activities among buyers and sellers on the system—not the labels
assigned to indications of trading interest—will be considered for purposes of
the exchange analysis.[16]
The exchange
analysis includes an assessment of the totality of activities and technology
used to bring together orders of multiple buyers and sellers for securities
using “established non-discretionary methods”under which such orders
interact.[17] A system “brings together orders of buyer and sellers”
if, for example, it displays, or otherwise represents, trading interest entered
on a system to users or if the system receives users’ orders centrally for
future processing and execution.[18]
A system uses
established non-discretionary methods if it provides a trading facility or sets
rules. For example, an entity that provides an algorithm, run on a
computer program or on a smart contract using blockchain technology, as a means
to bring together or execute orders could be providing a trading
facility. As another example, an entity that sets execution priorities,
standardizes material terms for digital asset securities traded on the system,
or requires orders to conform with predetermined protocols of a smart contract,
could be setting rules. Additionally, if one entity arranges for other
entities, either directly or indirectly, to provide the various functions of a
trading system that together meet the definition of an exchange, the entity
arranging the collective efforts could be considered to have established an
Entities using
blockchain or distributed ledger technology for trading digital assets should
carefully review their activities on an ongoing basis to determine whether the
digital assets they are trading are securities and whether their activities or
services cause them to satisfy the definition of an exchange. An entity
engaging in these types of activities should also consider other aspects
of the federal securities laws (and other relevant legal and regulatory issues)
beyond exchange registration requirements.
An entity that
facilitates the issuance of digital asset securities in ICOs and secondary
trading in digital asset securities may also be acting as a
"broker" or "dealer" that is required to register
with the Commission and become a member of a self-regulatory organization,
typically FINRA. Among other things, SEC-registered broker-dealers
are subject to legal and regulatory requirements that govern their conduct in
the marketplace and that provide important safeguards for investors.
Section 15(a) of the
Exchange Act provides that, absent an exception or exemption, it is unlawful
for any broker or dealer to induce or attempt to induce the purchase or sale,
of any security unless such broker or dealer is registered in accordance with
Section 15(b) of the Exchange Act. Section 3(a)(4) of the Exchange Act
generally defines a "broker" to mean any person engaged in the
business of effecting transactions in securities for the account of others. Section
3(a)(5) of the Exchange Act generally defines a "dealer" to mean
any person engaged in the business of buying and selling securities for such
person's own account through a broker or otherwise. As with the
"exchange" determination, a functional approach (taking into
account the relevant facts and circumstances) is applied to assess whether an
entity meets the definition of a broker or dealer, regardless of how an entity
may characterize either itself or the particular activities or technology used
to provide the services.[19]
The Commission's
recent TokenLot Order illustrates the application of the broker-dealer
registration requirements to entities trading or facilitating transactions in
digital asset securities, even if they do not meet the definition of an
exchange. According to the order, TokenLot was a self-described "ICO
superstore" where investors could purchase digital assets, including
digital asset securities, during or after an ICO, including in private sales
and pre-sales. The parties' brokerage activities included marketing
and facilitating the sale of digital assets, accepting investors' orders
and funds for payment, and enabling the disbursement of proceeds to the
issuers. They also received compensation based on a percentage of the proceeds
raised in the ICOs, subject to a guaranteed minimum commission. TokenLot
also acted as a dealer by regularly purchasing and then reselling digital
tokens for accounts in TokenLot's name that were controlled by its operators.
The Divisions encourage
and support innovation and the application of beneficial technologies in our
securities markets. However, the Divisions recommend that those employing
new technologies consult with legal counsel concerning the application of the
federal securities laws and contact Commission staff, as necessary, for
assistance. For further information, and to contact Commission staff for
assistance, please visit the Commission's new FinHub page.
[1]This statement
represents the views of the Divisions of Corporation Finance, Investment
Management, and Trading and Markets. It is not a rule, regulation,
or statement of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(“Commission”). The Commission has neither approved nor disapproved
its content.
[2]The Chairman of
the Commission and the Director of the Division of Corporation Finance have
also provided public statements on this subject. See, e.g.,
Statement on Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (Dec. 11, 2017),
available at https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/statement-clayton-2017-12-11;
Digital Asset Transactions: When Howey Met Gary (Plastic) (June 14,
2018), available at https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/speech-hinman-061418.
[3]See CarrierEQ,
Inc., Rel. No. 33-10575 (Nov. 16, 2018); Paragon Coin, Inc., Rel. No.
33-10574 (Nov. 16, 2018); Zachary Coburn, Rel. No. 34-84553 (Nov. 8, 2018)
(settled order) (“Coburn Order”); Crypto Asset Management, LP and Timothy
Enneking, Rel. No. 33-10544 (Sept. 11, 2018) (settled order) (“Crypto Asset Management
Order”); and Tokenlot LLC, Lenny Kugel, and Eli L. Lewitt, Rel. No.
33-10543 (Sept. 11, 2018) (settled order) (“TokenLot Order”).
[4]On July 27, 2017,
the Commission issued a report, which concluded that particular digital assets
were securities and explained that issuers of digital asset securities must
register offers and sales of such securities unless a valid exemption
applies. Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934: The DAO (July 25, 2017) (“DAO Report”),
at https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf. On
Dec. 11, 2017, the Commission issued a settled order against an issuer
named Munchee, Inc., making clear that a token may be a security even if it has
some purported utility. Munchee, Inc., Securities Act Rel. No. 10445
(Dec. 11, 2017) (settled order) (“Munchee Order”). Together, the DAO
Report and the Munchee Order emphasize that digital assets offered and sold as
investment contracts (regardless of the terminology or technology used in the
transaction) are securities.
[5]Of course, if a
security is being offered or sold, the anti-fraud protections of the U.S.
securities laws apply. The Commission has filed a number of
enforcement actions involving digital assets, including those alleging
ICOs. See https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/cybersecurity-enforcement-actions(listing
digital asset-related enforcement actions).
[6] As discussed
herein, activities relating to the offer and sale of digital asset securities
can also raise other legal and regulatory issues and considerations under the
federal securities laws, including, for example, broker and dealer registration
[7]For a discussion
of some questions that are relevant to registered investment companies that
invest in certain digital assets, see Staff Letter to ICI and SIFMA
AMG: Engaging on Fund Innovation and Crypto-related Holdings,
at https://www.sec.gov/investment/fund-innovation-cryptocurrency-related-holdings.
[8]In addition,
pooled investment vehicles not only invest in securities but also are
themselves issuers of securities. Although not addressed here, the
requirements of the federal securities laws relating to an investment vehicle’s
offer and sale of securities apply to the same extent when those securities use
new technologies, such as blockchain, as when they do not.
[9]See, e.g. Coburn
Order and TokenLot Order.
[10]See Divisions of
Enforcement and Trading and Markets, Statement on Potentially Unlawful Online
Platforms for Trading Digital Assets (March 7, 2018), available
at https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/enforcement-tm-statement-potentially-unlawful-online-platforms-trading.
[11]See id.
[12]Coburn Order at
[13]As stated in the
Coburn Order, the Commission’s findings were made pursuant to the respondent’s
offer of settlement and are not binding on any other person or entity.
[14]The relevant
legal and regulatory requirements discussed in this statement apply to natural
persons or entities. However, for ease of reference, this statement
generally refers only to entities.
[15]In its
Regulation ATS adopting release, the Commission discussed what constitutes an
exchange and provided examples illustrating various applications of Rule
3b-16. See Regulation of Exchanges and Alternative Trading
Systems, Exchange Act Rel. No. 40760 (Dec. 8, 1998), 63 FR 70844 (Dec. 22,
1998), available
at https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-1998-12-22/pdf/98-33299.pdf.
generally id. at 70844.
[17]See id. at
[18]See id. at 70852.
[19]There are other
potential legal and regulatory issues and considerations under the federal
securities laws for entities engaging in digital asset securities activities,
including clearing agency and transfer agent registration considerations, among
other things.