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Le Bond Finance,实体资产和GameFi要如何赋能NFT生态?


简介: Le Bond Finance 为全球不动产类 NFT 项目,着力打造世界首创的全球不动产区块链交易平台。通过引入去中心化金融( DeFi )生态, GameFi 玩法及数字化信用体系机制,改变实体资产流通交易形式与价值实现模式,使用户可享受便捷的全球资产流通以及链上借贷等一系列金融衍生品服务。

12 9 号, Le Bond Finance 创始人 Kenny Chai 受邀参与了 Virgox 组织的线上 AMA ,此处为 AMA 实录:

主持人 Hi Kenny Nice to meet you! Lets get started!Thank you to join the VirgoX AMA today.We have invited the Co Founder of Le Bond Finance - Kenny and VirgoX CEO Adam to join us Today.Welcome Kenny and Adam! Le Bond is a new NFT project that gonna do pre - sale on VirgoX. Today we are glad to bring both VirgoX Founder and Le Bond Finance Founder to an AMA.

大家好,今天 我们邀请了 Le Bond Finance 的联合创始人 - 肯尼( Kenny )和 VirgoX 首席执行官亚当( Adam 参与我们的 AMA 。欢迎肯尼( Kenny )和亚当( Adam )! Le Bond 是一个新的 NFT 项目,将在 VirgoX 上进行预售。

Kenny: A slight introduction of myself, I’m Kenny from Singapore. As an aspiring entrepreneur, I had travel china, Malaysia, hongkong and macau dealing with IT and property business.I believe in putting ideas into reality. The keywords to my current career is action and innovation.Currently we are the first property developer to re-innovate commercial building into high end cutting edge smart building. We are using clean energy technology and had been acknowledge by Singapore government in our designs. We also launch a fin-tech platform that help smart building with human resource management with payment feature addin. Using this as a base, bond token is launch to aid this technology. I am proud to introduce lebond finance to everyone.

我简单做个 自我简介,我是 来自 新加坡的 Kenny 。我曾在中国,马来西亚 香港和澳门从事 IT 和房地产业务。我 的职业理念是 将想法变为现实 ,并持续保持 行动 和创新 。目前,我们是第一家将商业建筑重新创新为高端尖端智能建筑的 新加坡 房地产开发商。 我们 通过 清洁能源技术 等创新技术 在业内得到了 新加坡政府的认可 和支持。 我们还启动了一个金融科技平台,该平台可通过带有支付功能插件的人力资源管理来帮助智能建筑 以此为基础, 我们 发行了 BOND 赋能这个平台 我为向所有人介绍 Le bond Finance 而感到自豪。

Adam Hey everyone, thank you for joining us a new series of AMA with Le Bond Finance fonder Kenny. For today's session, you will be able to see a very interesting combination of NFT token supported by real life property.  Kenny has tremendous experience in the real estate market and has a solid understanding of financial markets . It is excited for us to 主持人 Kenny here for today's AMA. Please also pay attention to our Le Bond token Pre-sale starting in less than 24 hours. The Presale is the first of its kind for Le Bond Project. It will also be listed with us first in the middle of December.

大家好,谢谢 Le Bond Finance 创始人 Kenny 参与 我们的 AMA 。 在今天的会议中,您将能够看到现实 资产和 NFT 非常有趣的结合。 Kenny 在房地产市场上拥有丰富的经验,对金融市场有扎实的了解。 我们很高兴今天在这里 介绍这个项目 。我们的 B OND 代币预售会在不到 24 小时内开始。 这是 Le Bond 项目的首次预售。它还将于 12 月中旬 上线我们交易所

主持人 The second question here will be more on the project, Why Lebond Finance select Real Estate to be its target? 这里的第二个问题将更多地放在该项目上,为什么 Lebond Finance 选择房地产 行业作为目标呢

Kenny C : Sure! Actually that’s greatly due to our line of work and experience, allow me to explain:


We had been working on property and international IT business for more than 10 years. We had vas contacts in Singapore, Malaysia, China, hongkong and Macau. Turning concept into business is what we do. As Akira Mori said:”in my experience, in the real estate business pass success stories are generally not applicable to new situations. We must continually reinvent ourselves, responding to changing times with innovative new business modes”. That’s why we combine blockchain and real estate business together.

我们从事房地产和国际 IT 业务已超过 10 年。我们在新加坡,马来西亚,中国,香港和澳门 都有很多的合作伙伴 。将概念变成业务是我们的 核心竞争点 。正如 房地产巨鳄 Akira Mori 所言: 以我的经验,在房地产行业中,成功案例通常不适用于新情况。我们必须不断重塑自我,以创新的新商业模式应对瞬息万变的时代。 因此,我们将区块链和房地产业务结合在一起。

And also Real estate in Singapore had been on a healthy track. CBRE data shows that in 2019, capital flight from mainland China and hongkong led to surge in cross border  capital transaction in Singapore, during transaction volume to 4.9Billion usd in 2nd half of the year. Up from 73%. Comparing rental ratio, Singapore Tokyo, hongkong and Beijing are still the most expensive cities in Asia region. Singapore rose the most (6.9%) vs Tokyo(3.7%) and Beijing (stagnant)

新加坡的房地产业也步入健康轨道。世邦魏理仕的数据显示, 2019 年,来自中国大陆和香港的资本外逃导致新加坡的跨境资本交易激增,下半年交易量达到 49 亿美元。从 73 %上升。相比之下,新加坡,东京,香港和北京仍然是亚洲地区最昂贵的城市。新加坡( 6.9 %)比东京( 3.7 %)和北京(停滞)涨幅最大

We believe that I order to make one thing work, first you had to have strength and resources in the region, combining with the correct resources and direction. That’s how Lebond finance is bond .

我们相信,我要想成 就一件事 ,首先,您必须在该 领域有一定力量 和资源,并结合正确的资源和方向。这就是 Lebond 金融的债券。

主持人 : The data is impressive! and also I agree. In order to make one thing work, you had to have strength and resource in the region! So lets come with our Fourth question, we all know that a lot of NFT products rising in the market right now. Whats the difference that make Lebond Finance Stand Out?

数据令人印象深刻! 我也同意。 为了使一件事起作用,您必须在该地区拥有实力和资源! 因此,让我们提出第四个问题,我们都知道现在市场上有很多 NFT 产品在崛起。 让 Lebond Finance 脱颖而出的区别是什么?

Kenny C: NFT is now regarded as a digitali s ed ownership of an art but it has no impact beyond that while the most prominent and real problem we solved is to "Give NFT Utility". We want to create something addressing users’ need while bring the obscure blockchain to simple but useful and fun apps, only a few clicks away.

NFT 现在被 广泛 视为艺术品数字化 凭证 ,但除此之外,它 貌似没有其他用处 ,而我们解决的最突出,最真实的问题是 NFT 赋予真正的实际价值 。 我们希望创造一些满足用户需求的东西,同时将隐晦的区块链带到简单但有用且有趣的应用程序中, 可能 只需单击几下即可。

Le Bond Finance is designed to provide liquidity for the property market. Aiming to be the first NFT platform to serve the real estate market, we use decentralized financial model (DeFi) to tokenize property projects.

Le Bond Finance 旨在为房地产市场提供流动性。 致力于成为 第一个服务于房地产市场的 NFT 平台,我们使用 去中心化金融 DeFi )对房地产项目进行了代币化。

As for the advantages over other NFT projects, we would take it into two parts:

至于相对于其他 NFT 项目的优势,我们将其分为两个部分:

  1. Tangible backed asset is the key advantage. In the current NFT market, most of the project only had projected value base on their “limited quantity” which doesn’t provide any real collective purpose.

1. 有形资产是关键优势。 在当前的 NFT 市场中,大多数项目的 价值仅靠所谓的 稀缺性 而不提供实际真正价值

Le Bond Finance used Singapore financial tower with valuation of 50 million USD as baseline to issue Le Bond NFT, Lux Card. Lux card can enjoy both on chain growth as well as CBD asset class dividend payout.

Le Bond Finance 一栋新加坡商业 CBD (估值为 5000 万美元)为基准发行 Le Bond NFT Lux Card Lux 卡可以享受 代币增值 以及 CBD 资产类别的股息派发。

  1. Innovation is the key to success. We combine our Bond Token with NFT Lux card, their interchange relationship will boost each other value, increasing each other demand and limit supply cap.

2. 创新是成功的关键。 我们将 BOND 代币与 NFT Lux nCard 结合使用,它们的互 关系将 赋能彼此的价值 在有限供应上线之后, 彼此增加需求。

While we enabled Mining, Auction and Trading for an NFT, so its utility goes beyond just ownership.

Our whole team believes in “Blockchain for Good” and has a track record of delivering applications that gains mass adoption.

虽然我们为 NFT 启用了 采矿,拍卖和交易 功能,但其实用性不仅限于所有权。





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