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ONO与美上市公司Agora旗下eSilkroad Network签署LOI互助战略协议


2018年11月7日,美国上市公司Agora Holdings Inc在多伦多宣布,其被丝绸之路国际总商支持的拥有51%股份的公司eSilkroad Network与诺舟集团旗下区块链社交网络平台ONO签署LOI互助战略协议。ONO拥有全球范围内超过392万注册用户。

根据LOI互助条款,双方将在40天内签订正式合作伙伴互助协议。该协议预计将包括eSilkroad Network旗下B2B平台eSilknet在中国和全球范围内通过ONO价值网络生态进行测试和发展。同时,eSilkroad Network也将帮忙诺舟集团旗下ONO社交网络更快在欧洲打开局面。

图左为eSilkroad总裁Oleg Sytnyk,图右为ONO创始人徐可

eSilkroad Network总裁Oleg Sytnyk先生提道:“我们非常高兴能与ONO社交网络创始人徐可女士共同协商合作协议。通过这次战略合作,我们相信我们可以在B2B“eSilknet”平台的市场运营方面取得巨大进展,并最终帮助ONO在全球范围内扩大用户基础。”

诺舟集团董事长徐可女士说:“我们很高兴能与eSilkroad Network签署LOI互助协议,有了他们的支持,ONO将在丝绸之路途经国家打开更广阔的市场。而这些国家和地区的人们也将通过在ONO社交网络上创造内容赚取Token。”

ONO是一个去中心化的社交网络,为用户提供通过文字、图片、视频等内容创造赚取Token通证的服务,并且提供即时通讯服务。ONO DAPP可以在全球App Store和Google Play下载。eSilkroad 创始团队和ONO创始团队此前在中国上海参加中国国际进口博览会时达成初步共识。

关于Agora Holdings Inc.。

美国上市公司Agora Holdings Inc.与其子公司Geegle Media及其附属公司目前是一家娱乐和媒体企业。Agora Holdings Inc.将媒体和技术结合在一起推动创新,在五大业务领域加强在线娱乐:媒体网络、电视、演播室娱乐、消费产品和互动媒体。Agora正寻求扩大其投资组合,以包括用于全球实现的动态和交互式基于web的网络平台。


Esilkroad Network Limited及其附属公司乌克兰Esilkroad,是一个概念B2B平台,旨在使世界各地的企业和非营利组织之间的互动更快、更有效、成本更低。eSilknet,基于网络平台发展下eSilkroad网络有限公司将允许用户搜索并与业务合作伙伴沟通,寻找和发布招商和机会在发展项目在全球范围内,广告产品和服务,交流安全贸易和项目发展和吸引专业服务为特定的基于项目的需求。eSilknet的概念符合“丝绸之路”的原始概念,促进各国之间的贸易和贸易,只是一个全球范围。eSilkroad Network目前正在洽谈收购互补平台“eSilktrade”,该平台已在上海私下开发了几年。eSilkroad Network相信,其总部位于乌克兰的eSilkroad开发团队和eSilktrade现有团队的结合,可以将实时交易平台整合到其B2B站点中,进一步提升用户的价值。


诺舟集团是由徐可女士2017年于北京成立,该集团致力于建立世界上最大的去中心化价值网络生态,以ONOChain公链为基础,以此作为ONO社交网络ONO capital的底层技术。


本新闻稿中包含“前瞻性声明”的意义在节27 1933年的证券法案,修改,和部分21 e的1934年证券交易法,等修改和前瞻性陈述是根据安全港1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案》的规定。这类报表存在风险和不确定性,可能导致未来的结果与前瞻性报表有实质性的不同。在评估本文中的语句时,您应该考虑这些因素,而不是依赖于这些语句。本新闻稿中的前瞻性声明自本协议签署之日起发布,Agora Holdings Inc.不承担更新此类声明的义务。

Agora Holdings Inc. subsidiary, eSilkroad Network Limited, enters into


in order to pursue a strategic partnership.

TORONTO, ON, November 7, 2018 -- via NEWMEDIAWIRE - Agora Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK: AGHI) (the “Company”) today announced that its 51% owned subsidiary, eSilkroad Network Limited, has entered into a Letter of Intent (the “Letter”) with Beijing Nuozhou Technology Company Ltd., the creator of, a blockchain social media platform with over 3.92 million users across the globe.

Under the terms of the Letter, the two parties intend to enter into a formal partnership agreement following a due diligence period of 40 days. The partnership agreement is expected to include terms which advance the strategic goals of each of the parties, allow for the testing and advancement of the “eSilknet” platform in China and globally, leveraging the existing ONO database, and providing for the introduction of the ONO social media platform to the European markets and markets in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

eSilkroad Network President, Mr. Oleg Sytnyk commented, “We are extremely excited to be negotiating a partnership agreement with the creators of the ONO platform. Through this strategic cooperation we believe we can take great steps forward in the validation of our proprietary B2B “eSilknet” platform, and ultimately help to expand the ONO user base on a global scale.”

Miss Ke Xu, Chair of the NOME Group said “We are thrilled to be partnering with eSilkroad, that are behind valuable projects throughout the silk road, and are looking forward to open ONO to new markets in those different regions, and help households gain economically from our platform, and at the same time, be a driver of growth for the eSilknet platform.”

ONO is a free decentralized social network, and instant messaging service for users of standard cellular mobile numbers to send text messages, make voice, and video calls. The DApp - decentralized application - runs a news feed, exposing users to shared content on the network, and allows them to be rewarded for their contributions. The platform is also available on the web.

eSilkroad management and management of ONO are presently attending the China International Import Expo in Qingpu District, Shanghai, China where both parties will showcase their respective platforms.

About Agora Holdings Inc.

Agora Holdings Inc., together with its subsidiary Geegle Media and affiliates, is presently an entertainment and media enterprise. Agora Holdings Inc. brings together media and technology, driving innovation to enhance online entertainment in five business segments: media networks, TV, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media. Agora is seeking to expand its portfolio to include dynamic and interactive web-based networking platforms for global implementation.

About Esilkroad Network Limited and subsidiaries

Esilkroad Network Limited and its subsidiary, eSilkroad of Ukraine, is a conceptual B2B platform that intends to make the interaction between businesses and non-profit organizations throughout the world faster, more effective, and less costly. eSilknet, the web-based platform under development by eSilkroad Network Limited will allow users to search for and communicate with business partners, search for and post proposals for investment and opportunity in developing projects globally, place advertisements for products and services, communicate securely on trade and project development and attract professional services for specific project-based needs. The concept of eSilknet is in line with the original concept of the “silkroad”, facilitating trade and commerce between countries, only a global scale. eSilkroad Network is currently negotiating the acquisition of complementary platform, “eSilktrade” which has been under development privately in Shanghai for several years. eSilkroad Network believes the combined expertise of its Ukraine based eSilkroad development team and the existing team at eSilktrade can integrate the live trade platform into its B2B site further enhancing value for its users.

About the NOME Group

The NOME Group was founded by.Ke Xu in 2017. The group is committed to building the world's largest decentralized ecosystem with ONOChain as the underlying public chain upon which the ONO social platform, the main network, and ONO capital are based.

Disclaimer -- Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause future results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. You should consider these factors in evaluating the statements herein, and not rely on such statements. Forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and Agora Holdings Inc. undertakes no obligation to update such statements.
