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维基链WICC |2020年6月项目进展月报


技术 & 产品月报



  • 定位并解决wasm合约相关的内存泄露问题(100%)

  • 分析wasm合约交易执行的性能问题(100%)

  • 研发链大规模场景测试(100%)

  • 测试链V3.0测试(95%)

  • 解决调用合约RPC接口异常导致程序崩溃的问题(100%)

  • 修改喂价参数的格式(100%)

  • 支持通过合约代码查询并返回结构化数据 (100%)

  • 修复交易反序列化错误导致程序退出的问题(100%)

  • 解决测试链数据无法同步的问题(100%)

  • 公链3.0跨链治理测试(100%)

  • 公链3.0UIA资产测试(100%)

  • 修改获取合约数据的RPC,支持根据前缀获取数据(100%)

  • 完善对跨链提议中的金额最大值的限制(100%)

  • 解决同一交易可以被打包入多个区块的问题(100%)

  • 公链V3.0测试链上线(100%)

  • 公链去中心化治理测试(100%)


  • Wayki-X bug修复(销毁、抵押、赎回、铸造和交易的细节问题)(60%)

  • Wayki-X合约增发奖励测试及bug修复(100%)

  • Wayki-X后端对接前端联调(95%)

  • Wayki-X后端代码优化(80%)

  • Wayki-X行情页面推送通信协议(100%)

  • Wayki-X完成交易模块前端调试(100%)

  • Wayki-X解决领取奖励金额错误的问题(100%)

  • Wayki-X交易页面对话框的bug修复(100%)

  • Wayki-X解决查询用户债务无返回值报错的问题(100%)

  • Wayki-X解决新用户能领取上一周期的奖励问题(100%)

  • Wayki-X抵押端抵押、铸造、销毁、赎回、数据准确性bug修复(100%)

  • Wayki-X抵押端前后端联调、抵押、铸造、销毁、赎回、领取奖励、等已基本完成调测(100%)

  • DEX完成跳转链接查询(100%)

  • 区块链浏览器WGRT展示完成开发(100%)

  • 实现Echart 横轴显示价格(100%)

  • 更新闪兑接口(100%)

  • 拍卖端UI编码(100%)

  • 喂价数据整理(100%)

  • 修复喂价及Wayki-X行情 bug (100%)

  • 币种排序(100%)

  • 维基时代安卓原生资产页面接口调试(100%)

  • 维基时代V3.0测试及跟进bug(25%)



  • 优化wasm合约交易执行的性能

  • 持续跟进Wayki-X合约的测试

  • 持续补充公链测试用例和回归测试

  • 公链主网升级到v3.0虎版


  • 拍卖端前后端对接

  • Wayki-X修复测试反馈bug

  • Wayki-X合约测试链部署及测试

  • 维基时代V3.0安卓中英文适配与bug修复

  • 维基时代V3.0测试及跟进bug

  • 应用层DEX提交订单与撮合的压力测试



  • AMA:6月6日20:00,维基链副总裁&海外市场经理Lois White出席电报社群“VNBA Group”(外部社群,成员9435名)的AMA活动,为越南粉丝解答即将上一线交易所OKEx的治理币WGRT增值逻辑、维基链抵押借贷平台、维基链DeFi机制以及生态规划,当晚参与AMA成员达1000+。

  • 6月10日21:00,维基链副总裁&海外市场经理Lois White出席全球一线数字货币交易所OKEx越南电报社群(11602名成员)的AMA活动,参与成员达500+。

  • 6月11日18:00,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航出席全球一线数字货币交易所OKEx英语电报主社群(12708名成员)的AMA活动,参与成员高达600+。高航分享了其对DeFi领域的见解、WGRT治理币的模式、投资优势以及维基链的未来规划等。

  • 6月12日23:00-24:00,维基链副总裁&海外市场经理Lois White出席外部社群AFIQ日语电报社群的AMA活动。

  • 6月16日2:00,全球合伙人文森特和维基链副总裁&海外市场经理Lois White受邀数字货币交易平台“RESPECT TRADE”参与AMA活动。

  • 6月17日22:00点,维基链副总裁&海外市场经理Lois White及全球合伙人文森特受越南著名区块链电报社群“Nhóm VBC”(共6102名社群成员)邀请出席AMA活动。

  • KOL&媒体&论坛:6月3日至6月7日,知名区块链KOL@TheCryptomist、@ImShillGates、@CryptoBluff、@blockandchain、@Boxmining、 @coincrunchin 分别发推关于WaykiChain (WGRT) IEO在OKEx上线的消息,将维基链治理币WGRT引述为全网唯一通缩未增发治理币。其中,推特点赞、评论、转推等互动量高达1200+。

  • 推特:6月3日,维基链官方推特推出更换治理币头像领取WGRT空投活动,24小时内参与人数达120+,互动量达400+。

  • 6月8日,OKEx官方推特发推告示WGRT IEO细则,该推特互动量达100+,维基链官方转发该推特。

  • OKEx官方推特持续推出“WGRT上线倒计时”,维基链官方转发该推特。

  • 6月15日至17日,digitaljournal、finanznachrichten、newsbreak、birminghamnews、theusnews、stlouisstar等在内的19家全球知名的区块链/财经媒体通稿“WaykiChain WGRT Launched IEO on OKEx on June 17”,祝贺维基链治理币WGRT上一线交易所OKEx。

  • 6月17日至22日,维基链于知名区块链媒体russiablockchainnews、worldcryptotimes、kryptowings、rolebitcoin发布两篇文章:⑴WaykiChain CEO: DeFi to Break Loose BTC From the King(维基链CEO高航:DeFi或摘下BTC王冠);⑵WaykiChain DeFi: the Disruption or Rescue of Traditional Finance (维基链DeFi:传统金融的瓦解抑或相辅相成)。

  • 6月17日,OKEx官方推特与维基链推特互动:祝贺维基链治理币WGRT IEO开盘涨2.3倍,该推特互动量达100+。同日,维基链与OKEx互动:祝贺WGRT IEO成功。

  • 6月17日,维基链登陆Gain Associate平台,被评为六月涨幅最佳前5项目,并展示涨幅详细数据。

  • Medium:维基链官方Medium发文“WaykiChain 3-Token economy in-depth interpretation, governance coin WGRT: security lock or booster”。

  • 6月16日,维基链官方Medium账号发布文章:WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao: How does WaykiChain compete with Ethereum?文章同步维基链telegram、推特等各SMN社区渠道,获得社群成员一致好评。

  • Reddit:整合所有AMA活动内容及维基链团队发言。

  • CEO直通车整合并分类AMA内容复盘(行业洞察、企业愿景、项目优势、项目利好、团队及技术领先等)。

  • Youtube:维基链官方Youtube账号发布Wayki-News Episode 6(维基新闻第六期),全方面更新5月到6月维基链各项目的进展。

  • 社群:WGRT各国翻译版本白皮书(日语、韩语、越南语、俄语、法语)以及WGRT小知识(官网已更新治理币白皮书)。

  • “治理币KOL外部群主”社群、“WGRT to the moon”、“WGRT 持有人群”社群已正式建立。目前,许多KOL单群交易量达50BTC,其中群主Son Pham表现优异,已被提名为大使。

  • 同步运营维基链20+个国家,15+种语言,共48个社群,50000+群成员及该国家地区推特、抖音、论坛等。重点维护越南、日本、韩国社区。

  • 维基链CEO申请华尔街CEO委员会,正式进入审核期。

  • 维基链CEO受美国CNBC金融理财电视频道邀请,参与时下热门理财话题讨论。正与电视台对接流程中,节目将于下月中旬播出。(CNBC电视台即消费者新闻与商业频道,其Fast Money栏目为纽约纳斯达克交易中心赞助系列金融理财节目,每周一到周四5pm ET, 即New York Stock Exchang 收市一小时后播出,时长30分钟。)

  • 维基链社区志愿者全员于币安赵长鹏推特呼吁上所,呼吁内容主要为三类:⑴ 欧洲国家及其他部分维基链粉丝表示无法交易;⑵社区投票结果显示,用户最期待最必需的交易所是币安,强烈请求维基链落地币安交易所;⑶全球合伙人从项目背景和已上一线交易所两个方面向赵长鹏留言展示维基链的优势。


  • 6月2日,维基链官方公众号推送《治理币WGRT助力维基链DeFi,如同MakerDAO助力以太坊》,文章阐述了三个问题:维基链治理币WGRT是什么、WGRT与MakerDAO治理币MKR相比的优势、WGRT在维基链DeFi生态中如何多重受益。

  • 6月3日,一线数字货币交易平台OKEx发出公告,维基链治理币WGRT将于6月17日12:00在OKEx Jumpstart开启销售,并详细介绍了OKTraders的福利轮销售时间和预约规则。

  • 6月3日至6月17日,维基链开展【全民领金条】活动,每天给一位幸运用户赠送一根金条。【全民领金条】活动的参与人数累计达到18,232人次,在社群中引起广泛的响应。

  • 6月4日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航受邀出席火星财经总编时刻,对话主题「DeFi时代,WGRT如何完善维基链公链生态」。高航在与火星财经总编辑猛小蛇对话中,主要阐述维基链治理币WGRT的优势,以及DeFi与传统金融相比的优势。

  • 6月5日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航受邀币世界媒体,在其社区进行了【维基链三通证经济模型深层解读:WGRT治理币是安全锁还是助推器?】问答活动。高航认为,DeFi的安全问题十分重要,而维基链DeFi从经济模型和技术方面都最大程度保障了其安全性。此外,高航还回应了WGRT通证分配,上所规划等问题。

  • 6月8日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航做客AEX【看点直播间】,分享了《治理币WGRT如何在DeFi中多重受益?》为主题的演讲,并现场送出纯金金条一根。此次直播同步10家媒体,覆盖120个社群约5万人,并实时在6个社群转播,得到社群用户的积极响应。

  • 6月10日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航受邀出席标准共识线上直播栏目【Staking之星对话行业领袖】,以《DeFi如何颠覆传统金融?》为主题进行分享,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。此次直播同步20家媒体,覆盖14个社群约7000人,引起社群用户广泛关注。

  • 6月11日,维基链战略分析师陶敬在币快报社群直播,分享主题《维基链治理币WGRT蓄势待发》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。直播同步7家媒体,覆盖15个社群约7500人,并实时在14个社群进行转播,此次直播得到社群用户的好评。

  • 6月11日,区块链知名博主“区块链威廉”在其个人微博账号中发布了一篇WGRT的解读文章:《WGRT:维基链DeFi生态背后的有力支撑》,阅读量达到3.4万+,引起用户对WGRT的关注和讨论。

  • 6月12日,维基链联合创始人&CPO张曦受邀出席ZT Global线上峰会《“星”后浪之DeFi的力量》,作为压轴嘉宾分享主题演讲——《解读DeFi以及以太坊上DeFi项目的三个硬伤》。ZT Global后续发布的《“星”后浪Ⅳ之DeFi力量之星嘉宾之维基链张曦》文章,激发各大平台用户对维基链DeFi及以太坊平台上DeFi兴趣,并引起社区用户讨论。

  • 6月12日,维基链联合创始人&CEO高航做客星球日报线上直播栏目【超话社区】,分享主题《破解DeFi发展瓶颈——维基链凭什么和以太坊拼?》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。直播同步星球日报群TV和Beep币扑群TV,覆盖近50个社群约2.5万人,并在7家媒体同步宣传,引起社群激烈讨论。

  • 6月13日,维基链战略分析师陶敬出席牛市财经线上直播栏目【牛市共享课】,分享主题《王牌对王牌,MKR的最强对手WGRT》,并现场送出价值约1000元的纯金金条一根。直播同步38家媒体宣传,覆盖30个社群,辐射约1.5万人,引起社群用户广泛关注。此次AMA受到业内各大媒体转载,并且维基链官方微博阅读量突破14万。

  • Bying钱包与维基链达成合作,在WGRT上线OKEx系列活动中参与AMA直播和线上直播活动,并现场空投WICC福利。

  • 6月15日,维基链联合创始人&CPO张曦受邀出席陀螺财经 【Value100】活动,并在其社区做了问答分享。随后陀螺财经在其网站和微博发表《不容忽视的DeFi治理币——WGRT》,引起业内关注,并激发用户对WGRT认知和兴趣。

  • 6月16日,维基链治理币WGRT线上见面会开启,主题为《聚焦DeFi生态 见证金融变革》。此次见面会有幸邀请到数位业内重量级嘉宾:比特时代创始人黄天威、币世界创始人谭晨辉、创世资本创始合伙人孙泽宇、Bying钱包联合创始人&CEO廖伟、维基链联合创始人&CEO高航、维基链副总裁卢蕊。直播期间,维基链派送30根纯金金条、华为荣耀手环、周边礼物、WICC空投等福利。8.9万人观看此次直播,目前可在维基链一直播官方帐号“维基链WICC”回放观看。

  • 6月17日,维基链治理币WGRT上线OKEx。认购期间,WGRT份额创下OKEx年内最高纪录,认购超过100倍!两轮预约认购量共计达到38,467,312,442WGRT,售价为0.003美元,开盘价格高达0.007美元,相当于中签价格(0.003美金)的2.3倍。

  • 6月17日,维基链官方微博发布WGRT上线OKEx的相关内容,阅读量破万。同时,OKEx官方微博同步发布WGRT上线OKEx平台官宣内容、预约总量及上线涨幅三条微博,引起业界广泛关注。

  • 本月维基链发起的WGRT征文活动,持续不断收到社区用户的深度稿件,目前已陆续在微信公众号和各大媒体平台上发布WGRT的优质投稿文章。其中,在维基链微信公众号首发的文章《粉丝征文|维基链的治理币WGRT有多大的投资价值?》受到社区一致认可,并在社群广泛传阅。


Technology & Product Monthly Report

Public Chain Development

  • Located and solved memory leaks associated with the WASM contract.(100%)

  • Analysis of WASM contract transaction execution performance issues.(100%)

  • Tested Research and development chain in large-scale scenario.(100%)

  • Tested the testnet V3.0.(95%)

  • Solved the program crash problems caused by exception to the contract RPC interface.(100%)

  • Modified feed parameters format.(100%)

  • Supported querying and returning structured data through contract code.(100%)

  • Supported the querying and returning structured data through contract code.(100%)

  • Fixed the program exits problems caused by trade deserialization error.(100%)

  • Solved the testnet data unsync problem.(100%)

  • Tested public chain 3.0 Cross-chain governance.(100%)

  • Tested public chain 3.0 UIA Asset.(100%)

  • Modified the RPC for fetching contract data to support fetching data by prefix.(100%)

  • Completed the maximum amount limit for cross-chain proposals.(100%)

  • Solved the problem that same transaction can be packaged into multiple blocks.(100%)

  • Launched Public chain V3.0 testnet.(100%)

  • Tested Public chain decentralized Governance.(100%)

Application development

  • Fixed Wayki-X bugs (Details of destruction, mortgage, redemption, casting and transaction).60%)

  • Tested Wayki-X additional Award and fixed bugs.(100%)

  • Completed Wayki-X back-end docking and front-end joint debugging.(95%)

  • Optimized Wayki-X back-end codes.(80%)

  • Pushed Wayki-X Communication Protocol on Market Page.(100%)

  • Completed Wayki-X front-end debuging of the transaction module.(100%)

  • Solved Wayki-X incorrect amount of award problems.(100%)

  • Fixed Wayki-X Trading Page dialog bugs.(100%)

  • Solved Wayki-X querying user debt without error return value problems.(100%)

  • Solved Wayki-X new users can receive rewards in the previous cycle.(100%)

  • Fixed Wayki-X mortgage, casting, destory, redemption, data accuracy bugs.(100%)

  • Completed Wayki-X mortgage front and back end coordination, mortgage, casting, destory, redemption, award, etc. adjustment and measurement.(100%)

  • Completed DEX links to search.(100%)

  • Completed the development of Browser WGRT display.(100%)

  • Realized Echart horizontal axis display price.(100%)

  • Updated flash interface.(100%)

  • Completed Auction side UI coding.(100%)

  • Fixed feeding price data.(100%)

  • Fixed feed price service and WayKi-X market bugs.(100%)

  • Completed currency sorting.(100%)

  • Completed Debugging of Android native asset page interface in Wayki Times.(100%)

  • Tested WaykiTimes V3.0 and tracked bugs.(25%)

Following Work Plan

  • Public Chain development

    • Optimise the execution of WASM contract trading.

    • Update Wayki-X contract trading testing.

    • Complete the public chain and regression testing.

    • The public mainet upgraded to V3.0 Tiger version.

  • Application development

    • Complete Auction end and end joint docking.

    • Fixes Wayki-x test feedback bugs.

    • Wayki-X contract testnet deployment and testing.

    • WaykiTimes V3.0 Android English and Chinese adaptation and bug fix.

    • WaykiTimes V3.0 testing and bug tracking.

    • Application layer DEX submits orders with matching stress tests.

Marketing Monthly Report

Marketing Report(Overseas)

  • At 20:00 on June 6th,Vice President of Waykichain & Overseas Marketing Head Lois White was invited to attended an AMA with VNBA Group, more than 1000 members participated in the AMA in the evening, she also explained to Vietnamese fans the WGRT appreciation logic of the governance currency of OKEx, the collateral lending platform of The WaykiChain, the DeFi mechanism of the WaykiChain and the ecosystem planning.

  • At 21:00 on June 10th, Lois White, Vice President of Waykichain & Overseas Marketing head, attended the AMA of OKEx, a global digital currency exchange, in Vietnam Telegram Community (11,602 members), with 500+ members participating in the AMA.

  • At 18:00 on June 11, Co-founder and CEO of Waykichain Gordon Gao attended the AMA of OKEx (12,708 members), with more than 600 members participated. Gordon Gao shared his views on DeFi, the mode of WGRT governance coin, investment advantages and future planning of Waykichain.

  • From 23:00 to 24:00, June 12th, Lois White, vice President and overseas marketing head of Waykichain attended the AMA of the Japanese telegram community of AFIQ.

  • Global partner Vincent and Lois White, vice President and overseas marketing head of Waykichain, were invited to participate in an AMA in the digitial currency trading platform "Respect Trade" at 2:00 on June 16th.

  • At 22:00 on June 17th, Lois White, vice President of Waykichain & Overseas Marketing Head, and Vincent, global partner, were invited to attend the AMA by "Nhom VBC" (a total of 6102 community members), a famous blockchain telegram community in Vietnam.

  • KOL& media & forum: June 3 solstice on June 7, well-known blockchain KOL @thecryptomist, @imshillgates, @cryptobluff, @blockandchain @boxmining, and @coincrunchin respectively tweeted the news that WaykiChain (WGRT) IEO was launched on OKEx, and quoted WGRT as the only deflationary token in the whole network. The interactive volume of "like", "comment" and "retweet" is as high as 1200+.

  • Twitter: On June 3, WaykiChain official Twitter launched WGRT airdrop campaign to change governance coin logo as profile with 24 hours to participate. The participation reaches 120+, and the number of interaction achieves 400+.

  • On June 8, OKEx tweeted about the details of WGRT IEO, which has been shared by more than 100 users and forwarded by the official Wikipedia link.

  • OKEx's official Twitter continues to launch a "countdown to the launch of WGRT", which is officially retweeted by the WaykiChain.

  • On June 15th to 17th, digitaljournal, finanznachrichten, newsbreak, birminghamnews, theusnews, stlouisstar, 19 world famous block chain/financial media releases "WaykiChain WGRT Launched IEO on OKEx on June 17", congratulations to the governance coin WGRT listed on top one Exchange OKEx.

  • On June 17th, Waykichain published two articles on the well-known blockchain media russiablockchainnews, worldcryptotimes, kryptowings, and rolebitcoin: 1 WaykiChain CEO: DeFi to Break Loose BTC From the King; 2. WaykiChain DeFi: The Disruption or Rescue of Traditional Finance.

  • On June 17, OKEx's official Twitter interacted with Waykichain official twitter: congratulating the opening price of WGRT IEO, the governance coin of \Waykichain, increased by 2.3 times, and the number of interactions on the Twitter reached more than 100. On the same day, WaykiChain interacted with OKEx: Congratulations on the success of WGRT IEO.

  • On June 17th, Waykichain launched on Gain Associate platform and was rated as the top 5 projects with the best Increase in June, and the detailed data of the increase was displayed.

  • Medium: The official Medium of Waykichain published "WaykiChain 3-token economy in depth interpretation, Governance coin WGRT: Security lock or Booster".

  • On June 16, WaykiChain official medium published the article:How does WaykiChain Compete with Ethereum? Articles synchronized with SMN community channels such as Telegram, Twitter and otherlinks, and received unanimous praise from community members.

  • Reddit: Integration of all AMA events and Waykichain team speeches.

  • CEO express integrates and classifies AMA content (industry insight, corporate vision, project advantages, project benefits, team and technology leadership, etc.).

  • Youtube: The official Youtube channel of Waykichain releases Wayki-News Episode 6, which updates the progress of each project of the Waykichain from May to June in all aspects.

  • Community: translated version of WGRT whitepaper (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, French) and WGRT knowledge (the official website has updated governance coin whitepaper).

  • "Governance coin KOL external group manager" community, "WGRT to the moon", "WGRT holders" community has been formally established. Among them, each KOL group manager reached 50BTC of single group trading volume . Son has a excellent performance, and has been nominated as ambassador.

  • Simultaneous operation of Waykichain in 20+ countries, 15+ languages, 48 communities, 50000+ group members and twitter, TikTok, forums, etc. Focus on Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean communities.

  • The CEO of Waykichain was invited by CNBC television channel to participate in the discussion of current hot financial topics. The program will be broadcast in the middle of next month. (CNBC, the consumer News and Business channel, runs Fast Money, a 30-minute series sponsored by Nasdaq Trading center in New York, on Mondays through Thursdays at 5pm ET, an hour after the close of trading in New York Stock Exchange.)

  • Fans in European countries and some other parts of The WaykiChain said they could not trade; The results of the community poll showed that users most expect the most necessary exchange is money and security, strongly request the landing of WaykiChain on Binance; The global partners messageedzhao and has been on the first line of exchanges to Zhao Changpeng to show the advantages of the WaykiChain.

Marketing Report(China)

  • On June 2, Waykichain pushed "Governance coin WGRT helps DeFi of Waykichain, like MakerDAO helps Ethereum". The article elaborated three questions: what is WGRT, what’s the advantages of WGRT compared with MakerDAO governance coin MKR, and how WGRT benefits from DeFi ecosystem of WaykiChain.

  • On June 3rd, OKEx announced that WGRT will be available on OKEx Jumpstart at 12:00 on June 17th, and detailed the welfare round selling time and booking rules of OKTraders.

  • From June 3 to June 17, Waykichain launched a campaign to give a lucky user a gold bar every day. The total number of participants has reached 18,232, which has aroused widespread influence in the community.

  • On June 4, Gordon Gao, co-founder and CEO of Waykichain was invited to attend the Mars Finance Editor's moment with the theme of "How WGRT improves the public ecosystem of Waykichain in the DeFi Era". In a conversation with Mars Finance editor chief, Gordon discussed the advantages of WGRT and DeFi over traditional finance.

  • On June 5th,Gordon Gao co-founder and CEO of WGRT, was invited by Bishijie to carry out a deep interpretation of the economic Model of "Three Links of Waykichain" in his community. Is WGRT governance currency a security lock or a booster? Q&A activities. Gordon believes that the security issues of DeFi are very important, and Waykichain DeFi maximizes its security from the economic model and technology. In addition,Gordon also responded to WGRT card allocation,listing and other issues.

  • On June 8th, Gordon, co-founder and CEO of Waykichain visited AEX and Shared how governance coin WGRT benefits from DeFi in multiple ways. And give away a pure gold bar. The live broadcast was synchronized with 10 medias, covering about 50,000 people in 120 communities, and was broadcast in 6 communities in real time, which received positive response from community users.

  • On June 10th, Gordon Gao, co-founder and CEO of Waykichain, was invited to attend the online live named "Staking Star: talk to leaders”with the topic "How does DeFi Disrupt Traditional Finance?" Share for the theme, and send a value of about 1000 RMB of pure gold bars. This live broadcast is synchronized with 20 media, covering 14 communities of about 7,000 people, causing widespread concern among users.

  • On June 11, well-known blockchain blogger "Blockchain William" published an interpretation article of WGRT on his personal Weibo account: "WGRT: The Powerful Support behind the DeFi ecosystem of Waykichain", which has been read by over 34,000 users, attracting extensive attention and discussion on WGRT.

  • On June 12th, CPO Zhang Xi, co-founder of Waykichain, was invited to attend the ZT Global online summit "The Power of DeFi behind The Star" and shared the keynote speech "Understanding DeFi and The Three Hard Wounds of DeFi Project on Ethereum" as the concluding guest. ZT Global subsequent release of the "star" after the wave of Ⅳ DeFi power star guest of the chain", inspire many big platform users to pay attention to WayiChainDefFi , and caused a discussion in community users.

  • On June 12, Gordon Gao, co-founder and CEO of Waykichain, appeared on the Planet Daily's live webcast [Chaohua community] to share the theme "Breaking the DEVELOPMENT bottleneck of DeFi -- Why does Waykichain compete with Ethereum?" And sent out a pure gold bar with the worth of 100 RMB. The live broadcast is synchronized in Planet Daily and Beep BiPu TV, covered about 25,000 people in nearly 50 communities, and publicized in 7 media simultaneously, causing heated discussion among the community.

  • On June 13, Jing Tao, strategic analyst of Waykichain, attended bull Market Financial online live program [Bull Market Sharing Course] and Shared the theme "The negotiator, MKR's strongest rival WGRT", and presented a pure gold bar worth about 1000 yuan. Live broadcast is synchronized with 38 media publicity, covering 30 communities, covering about 15,000 people, causing widespread concern among community users. The AMA was republished by major media in the industry, and the number of views on WaykiChain's official weibo account exceeded 140,000.

  • Bying Wallet has reached a cooperation with WaykiChain, participated in AMA live and online live activities in OKEx series of activities launched on WGRT, and dropped WICC benefits on site.

  • On June 15, CPO Xi Zhang, co-founder of Waykichain, was invited to attend Value100 and joined a Q&A with community. Subsequently, Tuoluo finance published "DeFi Governance Coin that cannot be Ignored - WGRT" on its website and Weibo, which attracted the attention of the industry and aroused users' awareness and interest in WGRT.

  • On June 16th, Waykichain governance coin WGRT online meeting opened with the theme of DeFi Ecosystem witness Financial Change. This meeting is honored to invite several heavyweight guests in the industry: Bitera founder Huang Tianwei, Coin World founder Tan Chenhui, Founding partner Sun Zeyu, Co-founder and CEO Of Bying Wallet Liao Wei, Co-founder and CEO of Waykichain Gao Hang, and Vice President of Waykichain Lu Rui. During the live broadcast, Waykichain sent 30 pure gold bars, Huawei Honor Bracelet, peripheral gifts, WICC air drops and other benefits. 89,000 people watched the live broadcast, which can now be replayed on the official Waykichain WICC live account.

  • On June 17, Waykichain governance coin WGRT launched OKEx. During the subscription period, WGRT shares set a record for OKEx in the year, with the subscription exceeding 100 times! A total of 38,467,312,442WGRt was sold for $0.003. The opening price was as high as $0.007, or 2.3 times the winning bid ($0.003).

  • On June 17, the official weibo of Waykichain released the content related to WGRT listing on OKEx, which has been read more than 10,000 times. At the same time, OKEx's official weibo simultaneously released the official announcement of WGRT's launch on OKEx platform, the total amount of subscription and the online increase, which attracted wide attention in the industry.

  • This month, in the WGRT articles event launched by WaykiChain, we have received in-depth articles from community users. At present, we have successively published high-quality articles for WGRT on WeChat public account and various media platforms. Among them, the article "fans call for articles | WaykiChain governance coin WGRT has how much investment value?" recognized widely by the community, and circulated in the community.
